Monday, May 25, 2020
What is Atherosclerosis - 1293 Words
Introduction Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease that causes formation of plaques under the intimal layer of the blood vessel wall. As the plaque grows and calcifies, it narrows the blood vessel lumen and decreases blood flow to the downstream tissue. Also, risk of plaque rupture increases. Plaque rupture leads to platelet adhesion that results in a thrombus, which occludes the artery. Occlusion of the coronary arteries results in myocardial infarction. Pathologies affecting small and medium sized arteries are the leading cause of death worldwide. Due to development of better treatments, mortality rates after myocardial infarction have decreased in the last decades (REF). However, replacement of the occluded artery is often necessary. The currently available options for these transplants are limited. The most frequently applied treatment for coronary artery occlusion is a bypass operation. During this operation, an autologous blood vessel (often a saphenous vein or a mammary artery) is use d to bypass the coronary artery. The use of these so-called autografts is invasive and may be limited due to previous harvesting and anatomical variability. Furthermore, atherosclerosis is often found in almost all blood vessels of the patient. The risk of occlusion of the autograft is high (Hasan et al., 2014). Developments in tissue engineering allow for the creation of new vascular grafts from synthetic or natural polymers and patient derived cells. Given the occurrence ofShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Atherosclerosis And Cancer?732 Words  | 3 PagesThis paper indicates a mechanism to target disease sites in diseases such as atherosclerosis and cancer, which are sources of TNFa. If a cell is engineered to seek TNFa sources like those in cancer and atherosclerosis, they could be utilized as a targeted therapy. In order to accomplish this a system of engineered proteins was utilized TNFa chimeric receptor (namedTNFR1chi), a previously engineered Ca2+-activated RhoA (named CaRQ), vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein G (VSVG), and thymidine kinaseRead MoreVascular Lymphatic System And Atherosclerosis1280 Words  | 6 Pages Vascular Lymphatic System/Atherosclerosis Jazmin Fontan Bryant Stratton College AHLT120: Anatomy and Physiology-1 Dr. Pamela K. Hannaman, MS, ND, CPC, CMRS, CCMA November 18, 2015 Narrowing and hardening of the artery walls causing buildup of fatty tissues (plaque), cholesterol and other substances, which may restrict blood flow is referred to as atherosclerosis. Having restriction of blood flow develops damage to a patients’ organs and also increases the risk of heart attacksRead MoreA Brief Note On Atherosclerosis And Its Effects On The Heart Essay1138 Words  | 5 Pages Definition of the disease Atherosclerosis is a disease dealing with the heart. This disease causes hardening and narrowing (or even blockage) of the arteries, which makes the arteries thicken. Accumulations of fat, calcium and plaque build up are all components of having this disease known as atherosclerosis. The accumulations of calcium, fat, and plaque build up quietly and slowly block the arteries, putting blood flow at an extremely high risk. Atherosclerosis is typically the source of heartRead MoreA Brief Note On Atherosclerosis And Cardiovascular System938 Words  | 4 PagesSYSTEMIC CIRCULATION: Atherosclerosis Cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels and the blood inside them. It’s responsible for transporting oxygen, nutrition and waste products throughout the body. The heart is the circulatory pump that transports blood to the entire body. Cardiovascular system has two circulations: systemic and the pulmonary circulations. Pulmonary circulation is the flow of blood between the heart and lungs. Pulmonary circulation starts when the deoxygenatedRead MoreWhat I Know About Anna Garcia1130 Words  | 5 Pagesthe floor, turned on its side with a couple of orange juice 2.5 ft away from her spilled on the floor and a footprint found near her front door. Luckily, the footprint and the blood stain on the floor and corner of the table belonged to her. Based on what I know, Anna Garcia died from a Diabetic coma caused by many other disorders affecting her cardiovascular, nervous, urinary, and digestive system. Her coma was most likely caused by dehydration, heart attack, ketoacidosis, and high blood sugarRead MoreHeart Disease : A Generic Term For Heart Conditions1619 Words  | 7 Pagestaken from the NHS website indicate that that there are 74,000 deaths each year and the cause of death for 1 in 6 men and 1 in 10 women. How the Blood Supply Works to the Heart. Figure 1 is an image of an Angiogram of a healthy heart and shows what a healthy heart should look like. The heart pumps blood that contain contains oxygen and it beats up to 100,000 times a day. It is coronary circulation that supplies blood to the muscle tissue of the heart. This is also called cardiac circulation andRead MoreOne Beat At a Time Essay1318 Words  | 6 Pagesleading it to be the number one disease today. As of this time comprehensive studies have been undertaken to research the causes and possible cures for cardio vascular diseases. Some of the common cardio vascular diseases today are arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, and congestive heart failure. Arrhythmia, commonly known as irregular heartbeat is one of the common cardio vascular diseases. Have you ever thought that your heart skipped a beat when in love; well for some people their heart skips a beat quiteRead MoreCellulose, Starch, Glycogen, Prion Disease and Cholesterol954 Words  | 4 Pagesrepeat unit. Cellulose is a lot stronger than starch. Starch is practically useless as a material, but cellulose is strong enough to make fibers from. Cellulose doesnt dissolve in water the way starch will, and doesnt break down as easily. 2. What is a prion disease? Why are they hard to detect and treat? Prion diseases belong to group of progressive conditions that affect the nervous system in humans and animals. Prion diseases impair brain function which cause memory changes, personalityRead MoreHigh Density Lipoprotein ( Ldl ) Levels Essay1612 Words  | 7 Pagesbody, which is optimal. The next concern I have from your results are your cholesterol levels. Your High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) levels are within the appropriate levels but your triglycerides and Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) levels are way above what I would like them to be. A combination of all three of these numbers makes up your total cholesterol level, which is also high, due to your high levels of LDL and triglycerides. Your blood glucose is just a tad too high, it’s not of extreme concernRead MoreCardiovascular Disease : A Type Of Blood Vessel Disorder Essay1640 Words  | 7 Pagesdisease. The leading type of cardiovascular disease is Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) and it accounts for the majority of these deaths. Coronary Artery disease is a type of blood vessel disorder that is included in the general category of Atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is often referred to as â€Å"hardening of the arteries.†(Lewis, 2011) Individuals with CAD have genetic predisposition. Familial hypercholesterolemia, meaning high cholesterol in the blood, has been linked with CAD at early ages. In majority
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Review of Ibsens A Dolls House - 1265 Words
In Henrik Ibsens play A Dolls House, it becomes clear by the fourth act that Nora Helmer and her husband Torvald no longer share the same definition of what constitutes a reasonable human being. In the third act of the play, the submission of a wife to her husbands wishes is seen as Helmers definition of what constitutes reasonable behavior: Helmer: There, you see it was quite right of me not to let you stay there any longer. Nora: Everything you do is quite right, Torvald. Helmer (kissing her on the forehead): Now my little skylark is speaking reasonably. (Ibsen 64) But in the plays shocking fourth act, when Nora announces her decision to leave her husband, Torvald accuses Nora of forsaking her duties as a wife and mother, and Nora offers quite a different definition of what constitutes a reasonable human being: Helmer: Before all else, you are a wife and a mother. Nora: I dont believe that any longer. I believe that before all else I am a reasonable human being, just as you are or, at all events, that I must try and become one. I know quite well, Torvald, that most people would think you right, and that views of that kind are to be found in books; but I can no longer content myself with what most people say, or with what is found in books. I must think over things for myself and get to understand them. (Ibsen 76) The dramatic twist here is how Nora chooses to define herself. Helmer is attempting to define her in terms of her responsibilities to him andShow MoreRelated Essay on Lies and Self-realization in A Dolls House1162 Words  | 5 PagesSelf-realization in A Dolls House  In Ibsens play, A Dolls House, the characters willingly exist in a situation of untruth or inadequate truth that conceals conflict. Noras independent nature is in contradiction to the tyrannical authority of Torvald. This conflict is concealed by the way they both hide their true selves from society, each other, and ultimately themselves. Just like Nora and Torvald, every character in this play is trapped in a situation of untruth. A Dolls House, can beRead More A Dolls House: A Push To Freedom Essay examples1371 Words  | 6 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sometime after the publication of quot;A Dolls Housequot;, Henrik Ibsen spoke at a meeting of the Norwegian Association for Womens Rights. He explained to the group, quot;I must decline the honor of being said to have worked for the Womens Rights movement. I am not even very sure what Womens Rights are. To me it has been a question of human rightsquot; ( ). quot;A Dolls Housequot; is often interpreted by readers, teachers, and critics alike as an attackRead More A Dolls House: The Analysis of Nora and Her Case of Leaving Her Family.1074 Words  | 5 PagesIn Henrik Ibesens play A Doll House, Nora Helmer struggles with telling her husband, Torvald Helmer, the truth about a loan she receives for them to go to Italy when he was sick. Consequently, when Torvald learns of the news he instantly insults Nora and declares that she has ruined [his] happiness (Ibesen 93). However, when Torvald tries to dismiss his insults after receiving a note that her contract was revoked, she does not accept his apologizes and decides to leave Torvald and her childrenRead More Essay on Animal Imagery in A Dolls House974 Words  | 4 PagesAnimal Imagery in A Dolls House  Animal imagery in Henrick Ibsens play, A Dolls House is a critical part of the character development of Nora, the protagonist. Ibsen uses creative, but effective, animal imagery to develop Noras character throughout the play. He has Torvald call his wife his little lark(Isben) or sulky squirrel(Isben) or other animal names throughout the play. He uses a lot of bird imagery-calling her many different bird names. The name Torvald uses directlyRead MoreHenrik Ibsen s A Doll s House1005 Words  | 5 Pageshow the characters would continue life. In The English Review article â€Å"A New World for Women†writer Stephanie Forward claims â€Å"Henrik Ibsen’s Plays were staged as part of a privately subsidized feminist experimental project†. Which brings the topic of Henrik Ibsen’s play â€Å"A Doll’s House†. Ibsen’s stage play â€Å"A Doll’s House†is heavily debated because of the theme. One theme is certain throughout the play and it is the portrayal of women. Ibsen’s play describes the constant struggle in relationshipsRead MoreA Woman of Di fferent Ideas Essay963 Words  | 4 PagesThe roles of men and women evolve over time. In 1879 the roles, obligations, and expectations of a man and woman were very different from those today. In A Doll’s House, Henrik Ibsen illustrates the reproachful role of women in society and how appearances can be deceiving. A man was considered the head of the house. He brought home the money, supported the family, and took care of anything of business matter. Women were to take care of housework, the children, and their duties as a wife. The manRead MoreHenrik Ibsens A Dolls House1529 Words  | 7 PagesHenrik Ibsens A Dolls House questions the gender roles of women in society through its characters, namely Nora Helmer and Christina Linden, before and after marriage. What are gender roles exactly? Gender roles are the combination is specific gender stereotypes that consist of the perceptions of the society of what an ideal male/female should act like (Lindsey and Christy). This paper aims to question whether the gender roles of Nora Helmer and Christina Linden of Henrik Ibsens A Dolls House areRead MoreThe Transformation of a Woman - Ibsens a Dolls House1437 Words  | 6 PagesThe Transformation of a Woman In Henrik Ibsen’s play, A Doll’s House, the character of Nora Helmer is a woman who undergoes a profound life revelation that results in her becoming a woman with a belief structure and understanding of self that is far ahead of her time. At the beginning of the play, Nora thinks as a woman of her era; her identity is formed as her father’s daughter and continued as a wife to Torvald Helmer. At the end of the play Nora â€Å"discovers her individuality then walksRead MoreA Doll’s House and Top Girls2459 Words  | 10 Pagesof A Doll’s House and Top Girls Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House and Caryl Churchill’s Top Girls both are a pillar of critical writing about the society they were originally produced in and have a central theme of the oppression of women, which makes them great sources of feminist reviews. Although Ibsen â€Å"abandoned the concept that the play was about gender roles†(Urban, 1997), the central question is beyond the original context within which the plays were produced and received. A Doll’s House canRead MoreA Doll House by Henrik Ibsen1712 Words  | 7 PagesIn Henrik Ibsen’s play, A Doll House, Nora Helmer represents many feministic ideals of the late eighteen hundreds. The ending is often what the play as a whole is remembered by, due to its shocking nature. Nora, the female lead of the play decides to leave her home suddenly, after a confrontation with her husband Torvald and never returns. Many saw this as a huge decision that was made abruptly, however what they fa il to notice are the aspects that motivated Nora from the start of the play. At first
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Proposal for a New System - 987 Words
NEW SYSTEM My Proposal for a New System Laura L. Koskimaki Luvenia (Lisa) Gordon University of Phoenix Whenever some one thinks of health care, they think of illness, bills, and insurance. Most people do not like going to a doctors’ office or to a hospital because of these three things. An illness can be a scary thought to one who may be carrying the illness. No one wants to find out an illness that may have been found especially if it includes surgery or even death because their life could be ruined in the matter of seconds whether it is a lifetime of surgeries or no life at all. Even bills and insurance sounds scary considering that out economy is in a recession. Not many people have health insurance because they cannot†¦show more content†¦Those patients who have minor illnesses such as the flu or a bladder infection should be seen at clinics with physicians who are certified to those treatments. Doing so could cut down the hospitals and clinics population. Another part of this proposal includes healthcare classes that are mandatory after seeing a physician. For each patient that sees a physician will be appointed some classes that are nearest to them, so the patient can learn the importance of their health. This will include demonstration of what could happen to patients that do not exercise, eat healthy, or to patients that smoke or abuse alcohol and drugs. These demonstrations will be shown as videos of surgery and as well, as hands on demonstrations. Demonstrating hands on will allow the patient to be connected to the activity in a more meaningful matter. Hands on demonstrations could help the patient to change the way they take care of their health and want to be a healthier person. As I said from the beginning, the patients want to feel as though they are important to our system and that they will be taken care of in the matter that they should be taken care of. Greeting the patient and even joking could help loosen the tension t hat the patient has from being at a hospital or a clinic. This proposal will do well in many different ways. The proposal will help to expand and control the population that it may accrue, as well as help patients realize how important theirShow MoreRelatedProposal for New Healthcare System1079 Words  | 5 PagesProposal for New Health System The health care system in the United States is in need of major reform. Even with major technological advances, the amount of citizens unable to acquire proper care is immense. â€Å"Between 2005 and 2006, the number of U.S.-born residents who were uninsured increased from 33 million to 34.4 million, and their uninsured rate increased from 12.8 percent in 2005 to 13.2 percent. The numbers of foreign-born who were uninsured rose from 11.8 million in 2005 to 12.6 millionRead MoreRiordan Manufacturing: New System Proposal Essay1415 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ New System Proposal Art Scott IT/205 December 14, 2014 Jennifer Gunter New System Proposal Riordan Manufacturing is a global plastics manufacturer employing 550 people with projected annual earnings of $46 million. The company is wholly owned by Riordan Industries, a Fortune 1000 enterprise with revenues in excess of $1 billion. Its products include plastic beverage containers produced at its plant in Albany, Georgia, custom plastic parts produced at its plant in Pontiac, Michigan, andRead MoreNew System Proposal Presentation Essay2252 Words  | 10 PagesCRM is an acronym for customer relationship management, and the software products are designed to improving customer satisfaction. Broadly, a CRM provides software that allows a business to track customer relations, trends, and transactions that determine effectiveness of sales campaigns CRM is an acronym for customer relationship management, and the software products are designed to improving customer satisfaction. Broadly, a CRM provides software that allows a business to track customer relationsRead MoreA Proposal For A New Training System At Marco s1957 Words  | 8 PagesSupervisor Date: March 5, 2015 Subject: A proposal for a new training system at Marco s I have attached my proposal for a new training system for the small-chain, Italian restaurant, Marco s. Throughout the year, Marco s will hire employees, they will promote employees, they will fire them, and a majority of the new employees will quit. Marco s has a high turnover rate, due to the lack of an effective training system. With an effective training system, it will increase employee morale, whichRead MoreEfficiency and Collaboration Proposal for New Information System553 Words  | 2 PagesEfficiency and Collaboration Proposal for New Information System Executive Summary The greater the information and knowledge-sharing that occurs throughout an enterprise, the greater the accuracy, consistency and velocity of strategy execution and performance. Transforming a business beyond transactions so the insight, intelligence and knowledge gained about customers and processes can make it more effective is the intent of this proposal. For Party Plates, the migration away from personal productivityRead MoreBenefits Of A New Plant1244 Words  | 5 Pages Proposal one suggests that the company buys one hundred new refrigerated trucks, half in 2001 and the other half in 2002. The company could then sell 60 old trucks over the course of two years for a total of EUR4.05 million. The trucks would be more fuel- efficient and less maintenance. This proposal would make deliveries more frequent, make scheduling more flexible, and support further expansion in the future. Proposal two suggests that a new plant be built that would take the burdenRead MoreProposal : A Proposal For Proposal1064 Words  | 5 Pagesrequest for proposal is a contract between two partners, or companies that one side offers the proposal while the other side will help to take care and mange that proposal to make it more successfully. This agreement is considered as a type of document which investors announce that funding is available for a particular project. Companies or investors have money, however the project is over their control because it requires a long and complex process. Therefore, a request for proposal is a need toRead MoreRequest For Proposal Rfp ( Rfp )1271 Words  | 6 PagesREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) WIRELESS COMP COMPANY REAPER MACHINES 2335 LENOX ST. CHARLOTTE, NC, 28056 8/11/2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. SUMMARY AND BACKGROUND 2 2. PROPOSAL GUIDELINES 2 3. PROJECT PURPOSE AND DESCRIPTION 3 4. PROJECT SCOPE 3 5. PROPOSAL AND PROJECT TIMELINE 4 6. BUDGET 5 7. PROPOSAL EVALUATION CRITERIA 6 1. SUMMARY AND BACKGROUND Death Comm is currently accepting proposals to develop, design, launch, and host a new Wireless Network within their building. TheRead MoreBis 220 Introduction to Computer Applications and Systems /Complete Class1089 Words  | 5 PagesBIS 220 Introduction To Computer Applications and Systems /Complete Class Click Link below To Purchase: BIS 220 Week 1 Individual Information Technology Acts Paper Select two of the following acts to research: †¢ Do Not Call Implementation Act, 2003 †¢ Controlling the Assault of Non-solicited Pornography and Marketing (CAN-SPAM) Act, 2003 †¢ Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), 2002 †¢ Uniting and Strengthening AmericaRead MoreHow to Evaluate an Rfp of Adt System Essay1334 Words  | 6 Pagesfive-member team responsible for selecting the new admission/discharge/transfer (ADT)/MPI for your facility. You are replacing an existing MPI that no longer meets the needs of your organization. Even more important, in 18 months the MPI will no longer be supported by your vendor. The functional requirements and the request for proposal have been developed. The RFP is due back from the vendors in 1 week. Your facility wants to make the decision about which system to choose within 3 months. Your assignment
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Professionalism in Technology
Question: Discuss about theProfessionalism in Technology. Answer: Introduction: In this piece of work, the paper will focus on Melbourne University strength in the Information Communication Technology (ICT). Melbourne University is located in Australia and considered the hub and home to more than a half of the countrys top 20 technology companies. Moreover, it is estimated to have more than 8,000 companies dealing with ICT related jobs. Apart from that, it is viewed as the highly revenue-generating source for the government. It is estimated that A$34 billion is collected annually for the running of states activities from this organization. Purposes of the Report The report was conducted to help in understanding the extent in which technology has developed the 21st century generation (Williams et al, 2015). In this report, one had to dig deeper into understanding the global producers of ICT professionals who have majorly aided in the transformation of different sectors of the economy and other social vicinities such as schools and hospitals. Additionally, the research sought to look into different dynamisms in the public domain and the rate at which young people especially those who are completing secondary education are applying for this course as their profession. To add on this, the choice of Melbourne ICT center was as a result of rich knowledge in technological work as well has the information from many people giving it lots of credit as far as technology is concerned (Vaishnavi Kuechler, 2015). The research was also conducted in order to pave way for stimulation of hard work among other companies who want to be seen as the giants in th ese sectors of ICT by producing a compiled report and documenting it to be read by other organizations worldwide. Melbourne Growth and Development Computers were first introduced in Australian schools in the year 1980. This greatly helped in spearheading its growth in the technological sector with Melbourne first taste being enhanced in the subsequent years. Between the year 1992-1997, Melbourne schools became computerized after a series of trial with video link conferencing via the access center, which become successful thereafter. As a result of this, a new spirit was born and thus formation of Melbourne University ICT centre was projected and its establishment realized afterwards. Employment Opportunities This company is estimated to have employees more 91,000 who are directly taken up by the company. This has greatly reduced the unemployment problem which has become menace in the country. They employ both fresh graduates from University within and outside the country annually. It is seen as the great supplier of ICT professional worldwide. Education According to the research done on the capability and productivity in the tertiary levels of education sector, Melbourne was found to produce the highest number of graduates yearly. It is seen as the countrys backbone in the generation of fresh ICT talents in the nation. This helps in the boosting of the economy keeping in mind that education is the key to success in any society. Excellent talents are products from this ICT center. The courses offered are software development, cloud technology, social networks, digital games, and data analysis and mobility technology. These courses are very marketable globally since the civilization we are at the moment is more focused on acting in technological perceptive in all things. Melbourne sees itself as a knowledge city. Honors This organization has received accreditation as the most vibrant technical university in the world. In the recent ranking by the Global Human Capital and Lifestyle Index, it emerged the best in the ICT industry. This puts this firm in the best position in selling its expertise to any competing organization in the world. Besides, it received honoree position as a global talent index center across the eight continents in the world (Sirapat, 2015). This is according to the research done by the Asia Pacific region in the Information Communication Technology unit of the financial system. This has led to movement of the technology professionals to Melbourne from other parts of the globe. It is estimated that around 20,000 people all over the world move to this place yearly. Findings According to Zurawski (2015), Melbourne is the major supply of the fresh graduates in technology and engineering sectors in the continental Asia. Moreover, its smooth running of the business has been made efficient as a result of a well developed and maintained infrastructure across the country and more so in the operative city of Melbourne. Furthermore, Melbourne was found to serve as the nerve center for the national broadband network in Australia. The group also found out that Australian government plays an imperative role in ensuring that this industry performs globally by providing incentives and other benefits. Conclusion This report has identified that ICT is one of the best and most marketable career opportunities in the world at the moment. It has facilitated development of the infrastructure in an explicit manner with outstanding benefits to the universe in this century. Much advancement such as chemotherapy technology, kidney dialysis, and x-ray technology in health sector is all applauded to expertise discoveries (Graham et al, 2014). Living standards have improved and life has become simple since people do not experience lots of hardships as a result of magnificent technology we have at the moment. Recommendations According to International Conference on Soft Computing in Information Communication Technology (2012), Information Communication Technology is one of the best means of transforming the world. Thus, the most developed countries ought to aid the third world countries such as continental Africa in change. This can be facilitated through provision of scholarships to students to study in developed continents in order to receive expertise which they can later on use to transform their motherland. Despite the fact that benefits in this sector are outstanding, one ought to factor in the challenges it has caused society such as cybercaf crimes and find mechanisms of curbing it. Another fundamental issue, which ought to be discussed and the solution addressed is on pornography brought about by innovations on ICT. This is because it has caused decline in basic discipline in children by watching and practicing what they watch online. References International Conference on Information, Communication Technology and System, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,. (2015). Proceedings of 2015 International Conference of Information Communication Technology and Systems (ICTS): Surabaya, September 16th, 2015. Williams, N. L., Ferdinand, N., Pasian, B. (December 01, 2015). Online Stakeholder Interactions in the Early Stage of a Megaproject. Project Management Journal, 46, 6, 92-110. In Zurawski, R. (2015). Industrial communication technology handbook. International Conference on Computing and Information Technology, In Unger, H., In Meesad, P., In Sirapat, B. (2015). Recent advances in information and communication technology 2015. Vaishnavi, V., Kuechler, W. (2015). Design science research methods and patterns: Innovating information and communication technology. Ian, O. B. W., Roberts, V., LaBonte, R., Graham, L. (December 01, 2014). Teaching, Learning, and Sharing Openly Online. Journal of Adolescent Adult Literacy, 58, 4, 277-280. International Conference on Soft Computing in Information Communication Technology, Luo, J. (2012). Soft computing in information communication technology: Volume 2. (Soft computing in information communication technology.) Berlin: Springer. Ian, O. B. W., Roberts, V., LaBonte, R., Graham, L. (December 01, 2014). Teaching, Learning, and Sharing Openly Online. Journal of Adolescent Adult Literacy, 58, 4, 277-280.
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