Friday, February 21, 2020

Computer tech case 2 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Computer tech case 2 - Term Paper Example Literacy skills involving getting and presentation of information using hardcopy There are several instances that I use hard copy books, magazines, newspapers and brochures to get information. I spend an approximate average of 2 hours to physically read hardcopy books. In most cases, I read short story books to enhance my reading and research skills. There are several instances where I communicate through letters especially when making applications for part time jobs and when writing friendly letters to my cousins. During school days, some of my assignments are presented in form of hardcopy and so, writing and reading skills has been imperative on the techniques I use in presenting my assigned essays, research papers and proposals. Although I use pens in writing and reading hardcopy text in my daily activities, it is not my major priority of presenting and receiving information because I accord them minimal time (Lewis, 2001). Media literacy skills and practices Media literacy can be defined as comprehending the modalities of producing and distributing information. Currently, the best informal communication method that I use is the social media. The common social media platforms that I use are and I use these sites to communicate with friends, relatives, in some cases my instructors and to express my opinion on political, social and economic issues that affect me directly. I accord social media approximately five hours a day. As such, I can state that I spend a large portion of my time on social media. There are other forms of media that I use formally for my learning and communication with my instructors. I spent an approximate average of 3 hours a day on them. The major media that I use are education websites such as where I get educational information after conducting research, Job searching websites such as LinkedIn where I seek for part time jobs and get information about the requirements of diffe rent types of jobs, and institutional website that I utilize to upload my assignments to my instructors, get instruction material and for general communication with the institution (Bassnet &Lefevere, 1998). Technology literacy skills and practices The modern world has experienced a major revolution in technology in literary practices. There have been hi-tech innovations in technologies resulting in state of art information processing devices such as computers, communication devices such as cellular phones, and other digital technologies such as state of art televisions. The computer has been essential in my daily activities, and my computer literacy has assisted me in utilizing the device accurately in processing and receiving different forms of information. I use the computer to access academic and non academic information in the internet. Further, I use the computer to write and do calculations. The computer enables me to access social media, educational websites and undertake co mmunications through emails. I spend approximately 7 hours a day on my personal computer. I use cell phones specifically for making formal and informal communications. Further, I use it to access the internet and conduct internet

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