Thursday, December 26, 2019

How Yoga Can Help Relieve The Stress That College Students

One would be hard-pressed to find a college student who does not deal with high levels of stress. According to the American College Health Association’s annual assessment last year, approximately 53% of college students reported experiencing above average levels of stress (ACHA). What’s more, 30% of those students said stress had a significant negative impact on their academic performance (ACHA). Unfortunately, attending college requires students to take on unavoidably stressful situations, such as paying for tuition and living expenses, rigorous coursework, and other social and family related obligations. Since the sources of stress cannot be eliminated for the most part, the best way to students to successfully navigate their college education is to learn methods for stress management. One of these methods is to practice yoga. In this paper, I hope to demonstrate how yoga can help relieve the stress that college students experience by explaining the physical and menta l benefits of developing a yoga practice. In addition, I will address the limitations that college students in the United States may face when getting involved with yoga, and in turn offer solutions to these limitations. First, I will give a brief overview of the history of yoga and explain what it is. The word â€Å"yoga† means to unite or connect. It is a spiritual practice and system of discipline that originated in India approximately five thousand years ago. Although it is most commonly tied to the religionShow MoreRelatedStress Relief for College Students1233 Words   |  5 PagesEveryone experiences stress in their daily life as it is from trying to get to work or school on time, handing in a project/assignment on time, doing well on exams, having a happy relationship, family problems and many more. 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