Thursday, December 26, 2019
How Yoga Can Help Relieve The Stress That College Students
One would be hard-pressed to find a college student who does not deal with high levels of stress. According to the American College Health Association’s annual assessment last year, approximately 53% of college students reported experiencing above average levels of stress (ACHA). What’s more, 30% of those students said stress had a significant negative impact on their academic performance (ACHA). Unfortunately, attending college requires students to take on unavoidably stressful situations, such as paying for tuition and living expenses, rigorous coursework, and other social and family related obligations. Since the sources of stress cannot be eliminated for the most part, the best way to students to successfully navigate their college education is to learn methods for stress management. One of these methods is to practice yoga. In this paper, I hope to demonstrate how yoga can help relieve the stress that college students experience by explaining the physical and menta l benefits of developing a yoga practice. In addition, I will address the limitations that college students in the United States may face when getting involved with yoga, and in turn offer solutions to these limitations. First, I will give a brief overview of the history of yoga and explain what it is. The word â€Å"yoga†means to unite or connect. It is a spiritual practice and system of discipline that originated in India approximately five thousand years ago. Although it is most commonly tied to the religionShow MoreRelatedStress Relief for College Students1233 Words  | 5 PagesEveryone experiences stress in their daily life as it is from trying to get to work or school on time, handing in a project/assignment on time, doing well on exams, having a happy relationship, family problems and many more. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Johnson s Seagrass And Its Effects - 1370 Words
Johnson’s Seagrass is a small, fragile seagrass that reproduces asexually. As a consequence, it’s range is limited to 200 kilometers in length of river mouths and tidal rivers off the coast of Florida, making it the seagrass with the most limited distribution in the world. It’s leaves are about 2-5 cm in length. This seagrass is tolerant of variations in salinity but is not tolerant of damage caused by human boating activities and actions including anchoring and dredging. This species of seagrass is so easily moved that it is uprooted by the turbidity caused from boat propellers. Halophila Johnsonii is also threatened by poor water quality including runoff and low oxygen levels. Johnson’s seagrass was declared a threatened species under†¦show more content†¦More specifically, â€Å"Important ecological and economic functions of seagrass beds have been widely acknowledged, notably their importance to fisheries and their role in preventing coastal erosion and siltation of coral reefs†(Erftemeijer and Lewis. 2006). Coral reefs are already disappearing at astonishing rates and siltation is even more detrimental to their survival. Since the number of acres of seagrass off the coast of Florida has decreased significantly in the past 65 years, it is especially concerning that Johnson’s seagrass reproduces asexually because â€Å" The plant has a reduced capacity to repopulate an area if lost due to human or environmental perturbations†(Johnson’s Seagrass Recovery Team, 12). The objective of this research is to determine whether or not Johnson’s seagrass endangerment is correlated to the amount of detrimental pollutants that humans are putting in aquatic ecosystems such as excess nitrates and oil from dredging. The critical prediction in this experiment is that as the concentration of a pollutant in the water Johnson’s seagrass grows in increases, the amount of growth decreases over time. The dry weight of the plant over time would decrease when grown in polluted water when comparing the dry weight of the plant when grown in clean water. The Flint River located in western Georgia is quite unpolluted and will be fit to reproduce these clean water conditions in the laboratory.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Computech Company Case Mergers free essay sample
Company Profile of CompuTech Company Marco Garibaldi was a computer hacker and began to develop computer programs in the basement of his parents’ home. His first software program named as â€Å"WordPro†aroused great interest among the academic and the business communities. That was the story behind the establishment of â€Å"CompuTech Industries†in 1983. The company went to public in 1990 for the first time. By the end of 1995, CompuTech’s stock price was $25 per share and its outstanding shares were 10,000,000. CompuTech has developed a solid reputation especially for reliability and timely introduction of new products. Besides, it supplies a toll-free telephone service in order to identify and correct program bugs. Its products are perceived as innovative, easy to use and relatively free from errors. However, diversity of the products offered by the company is limited. CompuTech is expert on just one type of software: word processing and presentation programming. On the other hand, trends in the market are changing so fast, office packages that combine multiple programs and spreadsheets are so popular. Garibaldi thinks that CompuTech should combine its force with another software company, which specializes in accounting, finance and tax return software programs. Computer Concepts Inc. (CCI) is considered as a potential candidate for the acquisition. CCI went public in 1993 and now it has 2. 5 million shares sold with price of $1. 25 per share. Management owns 30% of the company. Garibaldi doesn’t know whether management will be willing for merger or not. Yet, he is quite sure that CCI’s managers didn’t have discussions with anyone else about a merger. That’s a good point for CompuTech. Whether CompuTech should make an offer and if so should it be friendly deal or hostile takeover will be analysed in this paper. Besides from these, there will be suggestions about the value of an offer and how they should make a payment. To sum up, MA from all dimensions is the main concern of this report. Rationale for Mergers and Acquisition In today’s competitive world, companies should seek different alternatives for maximizing firm value. One of them is Mergers Acquisitions (MA) and there are basically five rationales claimed by proponents of mergers. First of all, tax consideration is a motive. When acquirer has accounting profit whereas target firm has negative accounting profit, firms will enjoy tax advantages. Acquirer’s tax liability reduces depending upon the loss incurred by other firm. Thus, tax payment made by the firm with positive net income will be much more less in total. It is especially preferable when corporate tax rates are high. Second, diversification benefits should be considered. Diversification is absolutely beneficial to employees, customers and managers of firms. From external investors point of view this doesn’t be a concern since they can create a portfolio, indeed easily than firms do, which eliminates unsystematic risk by diversification. Thus companies don’t need to do that internally at all. But the point is that diversification (especially from different industries) will reduce the variability on EBIT. Firm can get advantage of low cost of capital and debt. Decreased risk associated with the company reduces discount rate used by the firm as well. Consequently, management will be more confident about future earnings, and this gives them flexibility in financial decisions. Third one is purchase assets below replacement cost. Purchasing assets is less costly than developing the necessary production capacity by itself as a single firm. Companies consider replacing systems or assets with the ones of acquired firm can purchase these assets below replacement cost. In order to determine whether the purchase of assets is reasonable or not, acquirer firm should implement a cost-benefit analysis for the assets of target firm. If benefits exceed the costs, we can say that merger will provide a cost reduction for acquirer. The next one is control of the firm. If a company attempts to take control over another firm, MA is a way for achieving it. MA is useful especially when the management of target firm is not so successful. After acquisition new management can increase value of the target firm by well managing, decreasing costs and increasing efficiency. The last one is about synergy. When two firms are combined, an extra value for occurs for the companies apart from the summation of their standalone entity. It refers to synergy. From society’s point of view synergy is the most justifiable motive. Shared know-how, intangible resources (generally human resources, corporate culture, business creation etc. ), more efficiently used physical resources, economies of scale, reduced costs lead more successful business. They are advantages for different stakeholder parties within the company as well. Also it increases competitiveness in the industry. It turns into offering best efforts for the wellbeing of customers. It can be seen as an equation, which gives more than its numerical total: one plus one is more than two for every one. Another socially justifiable motive is control. Changing the control of the firm will increase shareholders’ wealth (that is the ultimate goal in business) and thus it increases benefits of shareholders. After MA most of the companies are managed and controlled more successfully than the previous managers. On the other side, there are some motives, which can’t be justified socially. Tax consideration can’t be justifiable from the perspective of society. Firm can decrease their tax obligations by MA; thus , state can collect less money. It reduces the income of the government consequently limits the amount spending to projects and services for the welfare of the citizens. CompuTech Company can use the advantage of MA in terms of synergy, diversification and purchase assets below its replacement cost. Controls of the firm and tax concerns are not applicable in CompuTech’s case at all. CompuTech wants to increase its variety of products. Also it pursues a large market share. It has no tax concerns and no intention to take the control over the other firm because of the strategic reasons. Its purpose is much more in economic sense rather than strategic. Types of Mergers (Hostile vs. Friendly) A merger is joining of two firms in order to form a single firm and it can be distinguished as friendly and hostile. In friendly mergers, management of the target firm is willing -at least neutral- to merge. Friendly merger takes place if management of target company will agree on the issue with the acquirer. In that kind of mergers, management of both sides come together and discuss about the terms of contract (including the merger price, restrictive covenants and flexibilities). However in hostile mergers, target company doesn’t want to get into a merger or deal is not achieved by negotiation process or even the targeted company doesn’t know intention of the acquirer in advance. Acquirer firm prepares merger contracts in general. Determining the types of payment (by cash o by stock), amount of offer, price and other legal and technical issues underwent by that company. Then the offer is disseminated to the management of targeted firm and the negotiation process begins. However, in some cases, consensus may not be reached. Then there are different tactics implemented by acquirer firm. Acquirer can make a tender offer. It means that acquirer goes directly to the shareholders of targeted company and buys their shares in return for some premium over the current market price. Before tender offer, there is asymmetric information between parties. Shareholders require a premium because they are informed. Perception to the targeted company in the market changes as fast as possible. We conclude that it is likely to see an overbidding in a hostile merger rather than a friendly merger. The reason is that the acquiring firm may inevitably pay higher premiums in order to gain at least 51% of target firm’s shares and shareholders can be convinced to sell their shares if the target’s management notified them about not to sell. Valuation Analysis The discounted cash flow (DCF) method to valuing a business includes the applications of capital budgeting procedures to an entire firm rather than to a single project. However, differently from common capital budgeting procedures, interest expense is involved in the analysis and deducted in merger cash flow statements. The reason is that the debt related to merger is more complex than issue of new debt related to capital budgeting projects. Acquiring firms often assume that the debt of target is part of the deal. Moreover, the acquisition is often financed partially by debt. In order for the growth of target firm in the future, management will have to issue new debt. Therefore, the interest expense is typically deducted in the merger cash flow statements. Furthermore, earning retentions are deducted to obtain the free cash flows. The reason is that the subsidiary needs -like any other firm- to reinvest some of its earnings in order to maintain its growth.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Organizational and Capacity Building
Abstract Companies have tended to focus a lot on philanthropy as one way of marketing themselves. This has been equated to capacity building in myriad of ways.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Organizational and Capacity Building specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, the term capacity building can be viewed from various perspectives. For instance, building cooperation and coordinated minds in an organization is one form of capacity building. The latter starts from within an organization before taking the shape of social responsibility. While capacity building has several definitions and various concepts, the most outstanding feature of this organizational feature is that it enhances unity. In an organization, capacity building means bringing together all players in the organization for purposes of driving the organization from one level of operation to another. Therefore, all organizational players must a gree to form one channel of development. There are various means of building capacity in the organization. One way is by developing a strong culture full of positive values, beliefs and norms to be followed by all employees. After coming up with one mind that is directed towards improving the performance of the organization, employees and other stakeholders can then focus on offering community assistance. This will then translate to community building or social responsibility. American Civil Liberty Union is a non-profit organization focused on enhancing human rights amongst the publics. However, the company may not succeed if it does not invest in capacity building in the organization. While the company has tried to its best to enhance this concept, it has not succeeded to levels that can make all proud. Therefore, there is need to change quite a number of issues for purposes of building from that front. This paper analyzes the concept of capacity building and how it has been appli cable in this organization. The paper also explores some of the approaches which can help build more of capacity in the organization.Advertising Looking for coursework on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Company: American Civil Liberties Union Capacity building is capable of bringing in some harmonization amongst key players of an organization. At American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the department tasked with maintaining capacity building has done significant work. As an employee in the department, I have experienced some ways of maintaining togetherness in the company, which has led to harmonization in the company. The company has faced off tumultuous times like the Financial Crisis of 2009. This company has used a number of skills in building strong capacity amongst the employees and utilization of technology. One way the company has done this is by training of organizational employees and enhancing co operation. The company has made it as a conceptual process to develop within the company by putting a major focus on the people in the organization. Employees in various departments are coordinated in a way that brings even development in the organization. Some of the directors in the company include the development director, the Staff Attorney, Paralegal person, the legal fellow, and the communication director, the Administrative Assistant, development associate, legislative director, executive assistant and the field director among others. The deputy director is the head of a department tasked with enhancing capacity building in the organization. Working under Mary Beijian; the deputy director in the company is fulfilling because it gives a chance to build the company from within. The policy in the company is to always be on the upward trend towards organizing strategies plus some public policy lobbying. The bottom line is to establish good links between various members of the sta ff in the company and another link with the publics. Prior to moving to the department of deputy director, she was tasked with improving affirmative actions. However, it is the Organizing Community Engagement Director who comes directly with issues touching on capacity building in the company. Some of the efforts that have been taken are the implementation of engagement with communities, instituting recruitment programs, general capacity-building efforts, effective planning for the human resource persons and coming up with strategies to enhance grassroots participation.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Organizational and Capacity Building specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are also some advocacy campaigns that are meant to bring together company membership, especially in the organizational employees and managers. The communication director is tasked with communicating important details that enhances cap acity building in the company. Laura Saponara is the Communication director and is tasked with coming up with crucial measures that would ensure all members of the organization are informed of major decisions. The biggest advantage that has been brought in the company as a result of enhancing organizational capacity building is the social impact. There is a common language in the company in terms of talking from one front. Due to effective distribution of important information, everybody in the organization becomes the image seller. That is, they understand all what the organization stands for and therefore act as the image sale agents. Capacity building has helped the company improve in productivity. Mostly, this has been brought about by effective training programs for the employees and improving the social fabric amongst the employees. When the company employees speak from one front, mistake is corrected in one accord and the employees are able to improve on productivity. Everybo dy in the organization acts like an owner, where, the spirit and determination to succeed or perform in the organization is evident in the eyes and faces of the employees. Concept of capacity building According to Maurrasse (2004), capacity building is a modified form of social responsibility. However, it focuses more on building energy and cooperation in the organization. It is this energy and cooperation that is then transmitted to social responsibility and community building. Maurrasse (2004) writes that it is agreed in any organization and mostly the non-profit organizations that there is insufficient attention paid towards building the organizational capacity. However, organizations are moving towards putting a strong partnership and cooperation before the energy could be reinvested in performance. There are some crucial parts of capacity building that should not be ignored. According to Judge (2011), these measures are extension programs of an organization, delivery capacity, adaptive capacity and improving of health amongst the workers. Mostly, the organization should first analyze its market environment and the dynamics that have come with modernity to know the kind of capacity building to initiate.Advertising Looking for coursework on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Judge (2011) puts it plainly that capacity building is making two forms of personality and minds become one. That is, bringing different lines of thinking to become one for the purposes of realizing benefits. The best outcome of capacity building is improved social fabric and impact in the organization. Strategic leaders in the world are under intense pressure to realize good results. However, it is the employees who must put their efforts towards harmonized improved of the organizational performance. This can be done through harmonized thoughts, enhanced positive culture and improving the social fabric in the organization. It is, however, the work of the strategic leaders to make sure that the employees think from a common front. When organizational inner capacity building is enhanced, the employees together with the management can extend to the community building through social responsibilities. The approach to have capacity building in the organization Before instituting a strong sense of responsibility in an organization, there must be some steps to be followed. These steps must be coordinated well to make sure that important parts are not missed. According to Joffres (2004), there are three common forms of capacity building. One, the capacity building at an individual level, where, a person in an organization develops within to build participative skills, enhance his or her existing knowledge and establish conditions that would improve adaptation to change. Second, the institutional capacity building, where, the organization works out some programs to improve on knowledge, cooperation, learning and performance. The third is the societal capacity building which advocates for participation amongst its members. Some of the ways of instituting or improving capacity building in an organization is by developing a strong culture full of positive norms and values to be followed by the organizational players (Jones, 2001). There are various factors and facilitator s that contribute to sustainable development through capacity building. According to Jones (2001), these factors vary from one organization to another. However, common to these are the established organizational culture and the multi-sectoral initiatives in the organization. Researches support participation as the best form of capacity building in the company. However, it can be recognized that before establishing participation and cooperation in the organization, there must be a positive culture. The culture in the organization must allow people to express themselves and put own initiatives freely. This way, organizational staff and other players would have organizational ownership which is essential in enhancing cooperation. More to this, the leadership of the organization must be ready and willing to bring various minds together. There must be technical supports, congruence, research activities, readiness and strong leadership to enhance capacity building. Enhancing capacity buil ding at American Civil Liberty Union As noted earlier, there are some bits of capacity building practiced at American Civil Liberty Union. Through a number of organizational leaders, employees and other shareholders of the company are brought together in terms of thinking for the organization. However, there are some grey areas that need to be addressed effectively. For example, this company has tended to equate high strategic management to capacity building. The company is a non-profit organization, and therefore, it depends fully on funding. The kind of capacity building that is practiced in the company is one which focuses on securing funding from interested parties. This needs to change and focus capacity building as a form of building strong cooperation among the organizational players. Even where the company gives out a strong message to potential funders in the world, a focus on improving participation amongst the employees is crucial. At long last, funders may opt to move ou t simply because the company may slowly disintegrate. Capacity building in this company is capable of strengthening the link between positive image and production. The positive image is meant for all stakeholders, while production is meant to benefit people from the program. This company is all about civil liberties, and therefore, with effective capacity building, it is possible to boost the impact. Social impact needs to be created first being creating the fabric in social responsibility. The various managers of this company recognize the growing need of capacity building but lack the means to do so. The first thing to do is for the top management to come up with a culture that can bring the minds and people together for a focused form of productivity. Another aspect of development in terms of capacity building at this company is to enhance affirmative action and upholding various human rights. References Joffres, C. 2004. â€Å"Facilitators and challenges to organizational capac ity building in heart health promotion.†Qualitative Health Research, 14(1), 39-60. Jones, M. L. 2001. â€Å"Sustainable organizational capacity building: Is organizational learning a key?†The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 12(1), 91-98. Judge, W. Q. 2011. Building Organizational Capacity for change: The leader’s New Mandate. New York: Business Expert Press, LLC. Maurrasse, D. 2004. A future for everyone: Innovative social responsibility and community partnerships. New York: Taylor Francis, Inc. Appendix: Possible scenarios of capacity building at ACLU This coursework on Organizational and Capacity Building was written and submitted by user Bridget Warren to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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