Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Defense strategies against hostile takeovers Thesis
Defense strategies against hostile takeovers - Thesis Example Dismissal of the existing employees would mean that the acquiring company will have to pay hefty benefits as send-off packages to the dismissed employees (Harris, 1990). This makes acquisition expensive for potential acquirers, making them to think twice about their acquisition intentions. The Golden Parachute is effective to the extent that it benefits stakeholders and enables a company to prevent any hostile takeover (Harris, 1990). Golden Parachutes make it easier for stockholders to hire and retain managers in industries that are prone to mergers and acquisition. The defense mechanism also helps the executive to remain objective about the company during a takeover process. Furthermore, it increases the cost of a takeover; hence discouraging bidders from acquiring the target company. This is because Golden Parachutes make it prohibitively expensive for potential acquirers to acquire a target company if they want to dismiss the managers of the target company. Dismissing managers in a company with Golden Parachutes comes with a high price. Golden Parachutes were applied at Fortune 1000 companies from 35% in 1987 to 81% in 2001. Citigroup Inc. applied Golden Parachute when they offered John Reed $30 million as severance pay and $5 annually for life. A company seeking to acquire another company may try to get representations in the board of the targeted company so that the acquirer can have voting power and influence other board members to accept the bid or persuade shareholders to accept the takeover. This type of defense against takeovers requires the approval of shareholders in a shareholders’ meeting in order to be created. Members of the board are chosen with the support of shareholders. In order to be a member of staggered board, the acquirer needs to purchase shares to vote in order to enable a single shareholder to sit with members of the targeted company’s board (Bebchuk et al, 2002). Staggered board makes the process
Monday, October 28, 2019
Self-Reflection Paper Essay Example for Free
Self-Reflection Paper Essay The verbal and non-verbal speaking anxiety signs I noticed in myself was that I kept fidgeting, and touching my hair or face. I felt the rate of my speaking was too fast and I was stuttering. I did not move around at all and my feet were crossed the whole time of my speech. During my presentation I need to multi-task by speaking about my topic as I am presenting whatever subject. Do not overthink any speech or presentation or try to impress my audience. The specific areas I intend to work on from this class is to be confident in myself and better my speaking abilities. Try my best not to overthink the presentation and get my point across as clearly as possible. Be more effective in my communication skills, deliver the message succinctly, body language, eye contact, facial expressions, and be incongruent. I would like to be more enthusiastic during my speeches. I want to learn how to speak at my audience’s level and be more connected. Take in everything I am learning and keep practicing. After this course is complete I would like to accomplish my communication skills, body language, eye contact, facial expressions, and presentation skills. I need to be clear in my own head about what message I want to communicate. I would also like my sounds to convey understanding to whatever I am about to speak about. I would like to get up in the front of class at any given time and give a perfect impromptu speech or any presentation without a flinch. I understand our bodies entail many different messages, but I want all of my body’s movements to captivate my audience’s attention and I want them to be interested because of how great of communicator I will be. My plan to improve my weak areas is to listen to my instructor and peers feedback and take that in and put it into a positive and learn from it. I would accomplish my goals by reading the chapters and following the guidelines step by step. Keep practicing because they say practice makes perfect every time.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Music Industrys Fear of the MP3 :: Media Delivery Digital Music
Corporate Fear of the MP3 The mp3 audio format is widely championed as the new great leveling format in the music business and the savior of local and unknown performers in the face of conglomerate-owned record labels, portrayed as giant, bloated entities who fear and despise the new format and seek to curtail its popularity and accessibility. In reality, the mp3 format is no different than previous innovations in portable recorded music software -- vinyl, cassette tapes, or compact discs all improve on their predecessors in sound quality and portability -- the mp3's novelty is its extreme accessibility, and once a conglomerate fully realizes the potential with which to exploit the new medium, the format becomes the latest appropriated technology. Corporate fear of the mp3 will only last as long as it takes for someone to figure out how to regulate and enforce the new format. Opposition to the mp3 by large corporations rests on the grounds of property and copyright law enforced by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), the trade group which oversees "the recorded music you enjoy every day" ( In addition to certifying gold and platinum sales records of albums, the RIAA lobbies against censorship of artists but conversely proposed and enforces placement of "parental advisory/explicit content" stickers on what they judge to be "offending" albums. The RIAA's concern with the mp3 format is how easily the format lends itself to the illegal industry of CD piracy. Added to a personal computer-run CD creator software/hardware package (a CD "burner" plus blank CD-R discs), the mp3's economic use of byte space while preserving digital CD sound quality is a potential gold mine for would-be pirates, and despite RIAA efforts ("confiscation of 23,858 illegal CD-Rs during the first half of 1998, as compared to 87 in the same period last year" ), CD pirates in the U.S. as well as many countries around the world continue to peddle "counterfeit" discs at "flea markets, from street vendors, at swap meets, and in a concert parking lots" (ibid.). The discs are regarded as counterfeit by the RIAA as well as the federal government because duplication of the work, which is copyrighted to the artist, their record label, or both, or others, is a violation of federal copyright law. Such fear over unauthorized duplication is not unprecedented; the proliferation of blank cassette tapes in the 1980s created a similar furor within the industry over
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Culture and Traditional Gambian Dress
A)In a paragraph, describe the acculturation process that the author experienced and explain how her cultural identity changed. Catherine Pigott came from a Western background. In Africa, she experienced a dramatically different culture. At first, it must have been very difficult. There was little about her that appealed to the Gambian sense of femininity. She was far too thin by those standards. Consequently, she could not dance as they danced, dress as they dressed, or eat with the relish and gusto becoming of a Gambian woman.Frankly, she was too thin. Her slim physique represented everything synonymous with poverty, drought and starvation. Her body was a cause of sadness for those who looked upon her. If she were to remain in Gambia, she would need to adapt to these rather foreign cultural expectations. Her new lady friends insisted she gain more weight, and made it a priority to help Catherine accomplish that goal. Pigott began to understand that â€Å"big truly is beautifulâ₠¬ in this part of Africa. Everyone looked favourably on a woman carrying weight on her hips and thighs.A woman is beautiful if she has a round stomach and heavy, swinging breasts. This was not Catherine’s cultural ideal. In fact, she had difficulty eating as they did; for her, to eat with such delight and abandon was unattractive. Nevertheless, with time she gained weight, and slowly began to believe in Africa’s beauty image. She believed she was becoming more beautiful; she let go of the panic, shame and guilt-ridden resolves regarding her weight and eating habits. One day she clothed herself in traditional Gambian dress and made her way to the shops.As she returned, she placed her newly purchased items on her head, and made her way back home, slowly, swinging her hips in the manner of the natives. She was transformed. Now, when she looked upon the skinny European tourists, she did not see an ideal; she saw something more skeletal than slim, lacking in shape and sub stance. Her ideal had changed. After only one year Catherine returned home. She was happy and comfortable with her body, but her family had nothing nice to say about her new weight.Pigott returned to a land where fat is feared and despised. Before one month had elapsed she was already back at the gym, yearning to be slimmer and more fit. She was unhappy again; she had lost her Gambian freedom. Catherine’s process of adopting the cultural traits and social patterns of Gambia was difficult, but it was genuine. By the time she left Africa, she was comfortable with her body; she had adopted an entirely new perspective. Unfortunately, she would revert to her older, less fulfilling, cultural ideals after returning home.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Final Draft Execution Essay
Everyone has different thoughts on punishments for different crimes. There are currently thirty-three states that support the death penalty ( 1). Over the passing years punishment for crimes has gone soft. Whenever the words â€Å"death penalty†are said it raises such debate whether or not it is right or wrong. An eye for an eye my father told me when I was growing up. For that to be true in todays society we need the death penalty and much more. Today our â€Å"eye for an eye†system is weak. Seventeen states believe if a murder happens that person who does the crime does not need to be put to death (Death Penalty Information Center 1). In the poem â€Å"Punishment†by Seamus Heaney, it is about an execution for a crime of adultery, which would be a correct punishment for that crime in that time period. â€Å"When the Puritans came to this land, they left a country where the English treated adultery as largely a civil and personal matter. T he Puritans wanted to create a society where moral dictates were enforced by harsh corporal punishments†(Turley 1). The Puritans had it right, they believed that there needs to be consequences for all crimes petty or not. An issue that has continually created tension in today’s society is whether the death penalty serves as a justified and valid form of punishment. The death penalty can be the only way to justify a crime especially adultery. In the poem â€Å"Punishmentm,†Heaney paints a vivid picture of a dead girls corpse tortured and hung for punishment of a crime of adultery. Heaney uses great detail as if you were the one to find the corpse. â€Å"It blows her nipples / to amber beads, / it shakes the frail rigging / of her ribs†(lines 5-8). He goes on to explain the punishment that this girl indoored for her crime. It is a fitting crime for what she did. When it is thought about this girl ruined a life of another persons, a family’s life. â€Å"Her shaved head / like a stubble of black corn†(17-18). She deserved the embarrassment to be found naked. â€Å"Body in the bog†(9). Bog meaning like an unnourished vegetable, she has been on display for so long she as become rotten just as she is on the inside when she did her crime of adultery. â€Å"To store / the memories of love. / little adulteress, / before they punished you†(21-24). The love she was after punished her ; she should of found love somewhere else then with a married man. Even Heaney seems to be getting some type of pleasure from his own writing. â€Å"I am the artful voyeur†(33). Heaney agrees with the scene of her punishment by using the word voyeur, he gets excited to see it, to imagine it. Society does not need to get excited about putting someone to death but society should be excited to punish someone for adultery by putting him or her to death. The death penalty persuasion in America has change dramatically overtimes, it is gaining support. The opinion of the death penalty in America is split. â€Å"Public opinion on the death penalty in America over the past fifty years has vacillated. Support decreased through the 1950s and until 1966, when only forty-seven percent of the American public voiced support; since 1982 about three quarters of the population favored capital punishment†(Radelet 44). As time goes on more and more people see that the only way to deal with punishments for certain crimes in execution or the death penalty. â€Å"We must punish offenders to discourage others from committing similar offenses; we punish past offenders to send a message to potential offenders†(Radelet 44). There is great wisdom behind that quote. Strike fear into the offenders to prevent further corruption of adultery. There may be a down side to the death penalty that most can admit, that innocent defendants will occasio nally be executed (Radelet 50). Not to say that in the thirty-three states that have the death penalty that some were innocent while being put to death. It makes no difference though; it is time to change the weak way of punishment for adultery. If a person can ruin someone’s life by committing adultery then the people should have the right to ruin there by ending it. Executions in the Untied States are not like they are in third world countries, where people get stoned to death. There are five different methods of execution today; lethal injection, electrocution, lethal gas, firing squad, and hanging. (â€Å"Methods of Execution†1). Execution has evolved over years. â€Å"No states provide for lethal gas, hanging, or firing squad as the sole method of execution.†(â€Å"Methods of Execution†1). Obviously, these three execution styles are not used today but they are still in the books for use. Sixteen states authorize lethal injection as the sole method of execution and 20 other states provide lethal injection as the primary method but provide other methods for the criminal to pick the way he or she wishes to die. (â€Å"Methods of Execution†5). The most common execution is lethal injection; which is the most humane way of the death penalty. The execution protocol for most jurisdictions authorizes the use of a com bination of three drugs. The first, sodium thiopental or sodium pentothal, is a barbiturate that renders the prisoner unconscious. The second, pancuronium bromide, is a muscle relaxant that paralyzes the diaphragm and lungs. The third, potassium chloride, causes cardiac arrest (â€Å"Methods of Execution†5). With these three drugs injected into the criminal it is virtually painless for him or her. Nebraska is the only state, out of the thirty-three that have the death penalty, that the main method of execution is electrocution. (â€Å"Methods of Execution†1). Execution has evolved from being stoned to death and being hung in public for everyone to see to a â€Å"private show†that in as many ways as possible is humane. We give the criminal a choice to witch execution he or she wants and all the choices that are given are the quickest. Execution has evolved significantly, the criminal does not need to be tortured to prove a point to the rest of society but if you commit adultery society needs to know that they will be put to death for it. The Military has strict rules and regulations on many laws but most importantly, adultery. It seems in todays society you can not Google enough to find the last punishment of adultery in the United States. It goes unnoticed, just gossip in the wind. At least the military has a decent punishment for adultery, not saying it is the best but at least the military is doing something about it. In the United Stares Military if convicted of adultery under the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) you can be striped of rank or worse be dishonorable discharged (Rives 1). Being dishonorably discharged from any military branch will ruin you life. Try getting a job with a dishonorable discharge on your record, it won’t happen. The best job you can hope for with that on your record is working eight to five at your local McDonalds. â€Å"The military’s rules on fraternization and adultery are neither out-of-date nor unnecessary†(Rives 2). The military personal are well-tr ained professionals, and are held to a higher stander then others (Rives 2). The people of America expect the military to be that â€Å"higher stander†so when they see in the news that a high-ranking officer cheated on his wife with a junior enlisted it makes the military look weak. If we think the military, the one thing protecting us from danger, looks weak because of adultery, it would be safe to say other countries think we look weak because people in our country commit adultery and go unpunished for it. More and more people are committing adultery. â€Å"A 1996 NORC study found that 22 percent of men and 15 percent of women admitted being unfaithful to their spouses at least once†(Kantrowitz 2). Eighteen years ago that was the percent of men and women that admitted to adultery. Think of the people who were too ashamed and embarrassed to admit, and think of how its 2012 now and that how badly those percentages have increased. With the punishment for adultery being the death penalty the percentages would drop astronomically. It would set an example for people that if they knowingly cheat on there spouse that they would know what would happen no questions asked. If you are unhappy with your spouse there are ways to work around that, marriage counseling and divorce are just two common ways. You may break someone’s heart by going through divorce but it is better then committing adultery and your spouse finding out and his or her heart is on the floor being stomped on by th e cheater. There is no other way to get people to believe that adultery is wrong, people have thick skulls and the only way of penetrating those skulls is by setting an example for all the others to see. America will become overwhelmed with adultery and that will never be okay. Even the people we look up to have committed such a horrific crime. If the headlines seem to tell us one thing about our culture, it is that we are living in the Age of Adultery. A steady line of prominent men have taken the walk of shame across our television screens and through our magazine and newspaper pages over the past decade or so; Bill Clinton (he says it wasn’t sex, but would even he deny it was adultery?), Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, the three Johns (Edwards, Ensignm and Gosselin), Jim Mcgreevey, Mark Sanford, Eliot Spitzer, Tiger woods, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Anthony Weiner (Hymowitz 1). If all of these men that we idol in some way or another have committed adultery that sends a signal to the people saying that it is okay if he did it. Kids are watching these men on television looking up to them. Even celebrities should have to be held to the higher stander just like the military. If people, society, looks up to them they should have to face the same punishment. There are even websites that urge peoples to cheat. One of th e most famous is â€Å", cheekily urges, â€Å"life is short. Have an affair†(Hymowitz 2). If websites are advertising that it is okay that you have an affair because you only live once people are thinking that maybe it is true that people need to go out and have an affair. It is a great message to be sending to people in our society. You might as well be outside with a sign strapped to your chest saying I want to have an affair. The word â€Å"punishment†does not really let the person know what is ahead for them. Most people know when they hear the word â€Å"punishment†that what ever they did is deserving of the crime. Punishment is defined as a penalty imposed for wrongdoing. It is time that everyone takes a stand against adultery and broken hearts. Stop showing other countries we are weak with our punishments. Start setting an example for people who do the crime must face the punishment. It is time to put back in â€Å"an eye for an eye†. Stop living with compassion and start taking responsibilities for your actions like the girl in the poem had to. She committed adultery and had to face a much worse punishment that she would have to face today. Let society bring back the punishment that she had to endure. Works Cited Death Penalty Information Center. â€Å"Facts about the Death Penalty.†Death penalty information. DPIC, 19 July 2012. Web. 22 July 2012. Heaney, Seamus. â€Å"Punishment.†Making Literature Matter: A Text and Anthology for Writers. 4th ed. Ed. John Schilb and John Clifford. Boston: Bedford, 2009. 587- 95. Print. Hymowitz, Kay S. â€Å"The National Adultery Ritual.†Commentary 132.1 (2011): 40-44. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 July 2012. Kantrowitz, Barbara, and Karen Springen. â€Å"Those Cheatin’ Hearts.†Newsweek 16 June 1997: 38. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 July 2012. â€Å"Methods of Execution.†Methods of Execution. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 July 2012. Radelet, Michael L., and Marian J. Borg. â€Å"The changing Nature Of Death Penalty Debates.†Annual Review of Sociology 26.1 (2000): 43 Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 July 2012. Rives, Jack L. â€Å"It Works For us: A Guide to the Military’s Rules on Fraternization and Adultery.†Reporter Dec. 1997: 3. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 July 2012. Turley, Jonathan. USA Today. Gannett, n.d. Web. 22 July 2012.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Lateral and Vertical Thinking Essays
Lateral and Vertical Thinking Essays Lateral and Vertical Thinking Paper Lateral and Vertical Thinking Paper Lateral and Vertical Thinking De Bono (2010) in ‘Lateral and Vertical Thinking’ explains the positive and negative features of the two ways of people’s thinking, and he tries to clarify it by giving examples. The core advantage of the lateral thinking is the overcoming styptic assumptions and understanding the problem in an completely different way (De Bono,2010). On the other part, vertical thinking is the way of thinking by exact and logical reasoning of the situation. So, the vertical thinkers do not try to see at the problem from different viewpoints, it is easier for them to see straight to the problem; otherwise, the lateral thinkers prefer to study the problem from all possible angles and usually very quickly. Therefore, the lateral thinking gives more probable solutions; it means more advantages for thinker. Once I heard the interesting for me theory that first group of dancers focuses on definitions and rules, categorizing then standardizing the categorization. And they always ask themselves questions: ‘Does it belong in this box or that box? Which style is correct? So, there is understandably an emphasis on technique, more specifically on defining and enforcing one correct technique. Therefore, the second group focuses more on the way dance feels - the subjective experience of dancing. And accordingly ask themselves other questions: ’How does it impact us? How can we enhance the experience for our partners? ’ This group’s thinking therefore embraces more creativity and flexibility, to adapt to partners who are different from our own style. Does it really true? Does it really two types of dancing? As it turned out, no; there is no types of dancing divided by these criteria. So it is a difference between vertical thinking versus lateral thinking, which can happen anywhere. According to the dictionary, lateral thinking is idea generation and problem solving technique in which new concepts are created by looking at things in novel ways. Whereas the vertical thinking carries a chosen idea forward, the lateral thinking provokes fresh ideas or changes the frame of reference. And, while vertical thinking tries to overcome problems by meeting them head-on, lateral thinking tries to bypass them through a radically different approach ( usinessdictionary. com/definition/lateral-thinking. html). I want to conclude that vertical thinking is selective, lateral thinking is generative; and importance for vertical thinking is a correctness, whereas for lateral is a richness. According to original Whiteys Lindy Hoppers superstar Leon James, ‘Want to dance Lindy Hop correctly? Then dont be real concerned ab out correctness! ’(Judy Pritchett Frank Manning,2003). But lateral thinking is not better for all kinds of dancing. As I wrote, I believe that both vertical and lateral thinking are valid where appropriate. Rule-based vertical thinking makes perfect sense for ballet and competition ballroom dance for example. You cannot hold a competition unless everyone agrees on the rules. But one of the strangest mismatches you will find in the dance world is when someone applies a rigidly vertical thinking attitude to a lateral thinking dance form, like Lindy hop, Argentine tango, West Coast Swing, salsa or blues. Those dances were born and bred in cultures which valued spontaneity, flexibility and personal variations. The original spirit of those dances is lost if their freedom is replaced by an emphasis on rules and restrictions. So, the types of thinking have a place to be even in the dancing. The exact, logical vertical thinking is for dances with very strong techniques, but the lateral thinking gives more emotions to the dance. And always the most fascinating part of dancing is the individuality of the dancers. Keep the spirit alive. List of References Business Dictionary, nd, viewed 19 October 2011, businessdictionary. com/definition/lateral-thinking. html Marlys Mayfield, 2010, Thinking for yourself, Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, USA Judy
Monday, October 21, 2019
Daltons Model of the Atom and Early Atomic Theory
Dalton's Model of the Atom and Early Atomic Theory You may take it for granted that matter is made up of atoms, but what we consider common knowledge was unknown until relatively recently in human history. Most science historians credit John Dalton, a British physicist, chemist, and meteorologist, with the development of modern atomic theory. Early Theories While the ancient Greeks believed atoms made matter, they disagreed on what atoms were. Democritus recorded that Leucippus believed atoms to be small, indestructible bodies that could combine to change properties of matter. Aristotle believed elements each had their own special essence, but he did not think the properties extended down to tiny, invisible particles. No one really questioned Aristotles theory, since tools did not exist to examine matter in detail. Along Comes Dalton So, it wasnt until the 19th century that scientists conducted experiments on the nature of matter. Daltons experiments focused on gases their properties, what happened when they were combined, and the similarities and differences between different types of gases. What he learned led him to propose several laws, which are known collectively as Daltons Atomic Theory or Daltons Laws: Atoms are small, chemically indestructible particles of matter. Elements consist of atoms.Atoms of an element share common properties.Atoms of different elements have different properties and different atomic weights.Atoms that interact with each other obey the Law of Conservation of Mass. Essentially, this law states the number and kinds of atoms that react are equal to the number and kinds of atoms in the products of a chemical reaction.Atoms that combine with each other obey the Law of Multiple Proportions. In other words, when elements combine, the ratio in which the atoms combine can be expressed as a ratio of whole numbers. Dalton is also known for proposing gas laws (Daltons Law of Partial Pressures) and explaining color blindness. Not all of his scientific experiments could be called successful. For example, some believe the stroke he suffered might have resulted from research using himself as a subject, in which he poked himself in the ear with a sharp stick to â€Å"investigate the humours that move inside of my cranium.â€
Sunday, October 20, 2019
9 Resume Mistakes That Make You Look Dumb by Lauren Gartner
9 Resume Mistakes That Make You Look Dumb 9 Resume Mistakes That Make You Look Dumb What is a resume? It is not something you send out that lists your job experience and your educational background, in the hopes that someone will read it and think you might be good for an interview. A resume is a marketing tool, and you have to get into the â€Å"feel†of marketing if you are going to sell yourself on a piece of paper. Resume Designs and Formats Resume designs have changed, and you can change your design based upon the type of organization to which you are applying – conservative, moderate, fairly progressive, and â€Å"out there.†These are things you can learn about anywhere. The other thing about resumes today is that you can format your background information in several different ways – you don’t have to go with the standard chronological order necessarily. Again, you can find examples of all types of formats online, and really good recommendations about which to use dependent upon your circumstances and the organizations to which you are applying. Dumb Mistakes You may have the greatest, most-eye-catching design and the perfect format fit for a position opening, but if you make any of these dumb mistakes, your work will find its next home in â€Å"resume heaven.†Putting an Objective at the Top of Your Resume Objectives are meaningless because they do not speak to what you can offer the organization; they only speak to what you want. A potential employer doesn’t care about what you want. S/he wants someone who can be a problem-solver for the organization. If you must have a headline, and those are good to have sometimes, make it about the specific position and what you can bring to that position. Long Prose and Sentences Think about it. When you want to read something quickly, what do you want to see? You want to see short sentences and phrases, bullet points, and really important stuff in bold or underlined. A reviewer of our resume is no different. Fast-track your accomplishments with action verbs, phrases, and bullets. Linking to All of Your Social Media Accounts Who cares if you are on Facebook – so is half the human race. If a potential employer wants to access your page, s/he will. Now, if you have a really great LinkedIn profile or an online portfolio, then that is quite another story. Definitely, link to those. Grammatical Errors and Typos Your college professors didn’t like grammar mistakes, and resume reviewers don’t either. You look either really lazy or compositionally challenged. You don’t want to â€Å"look†either. So, check your resume a bunch of times for any English mistakes and have somebody else check it too. Lying You certainly want to paint yourself as someone who has accomplished a lot, especially in those specific areas included in the job posting. But overstating your accomplishments, exaggerating your educational performance, stating you resigned when you were terminated – these things have a way of catching up, especially when background checks, references, and online research can reveal so much. If you don’t want to say you were fired, don’t. You can talk about the circumstances during the interview if you are asked. Too Long Less is really more when it comes to resumes. Be concise, and brief. When you speak to accomplishments, stop with the laundry lists. Include those that directly relate to the position you are seeking. If there isn’t a really good fit, then list the most significant ones. There will be time to speak to the others during an interview if they become relevant. Good rule of thumb: If you don’t have a lot of employment experience, one page is the max; if you are a more seasoned professional with several positions and/or a number of years of employment, two pages should be the max. Same Words Over and Over How many times can you say â€Å"developed,†or â€Å"organized,†or â€Å"lead,†or â€Å"produced?†In a resume, the answer is many! Find some synonyms for words that you are using over and over again – maybe some that â€Å"pop†or add some â€Å"sparkle.†Using Passive Voice You want to give the impression that you take action; you do that with action verbs. All accomplishments that you list should begin with an action verb (not the word â€Å"I†either). â€Å"Increased sales by 15% over a period of one quarter;†â€Å"Created new marketing strategies which increased conversions by 46%.†Now you’re an action figure! Failure to Customize If you don’t customize your resume for each position, using keywords that will be picked up by automated screening tools, then you won’t look dumb to someone reviewing your resume. Your resume will never make it to that someone at all. Any reader can pick out generic resumes – they are vague and do not speak to specifics of the position s/he has available – deleted! Use the information available to you regarding design and format. Then go through this list and make sure that you are not committing the fatal errors that will kill your chances for an interview.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Planning for Success A Product Launch Event Essay
Planning for Success A Product Launch Event - Essay Example Lastly, the report will evaluate the importance of post-event analysis and review for future planning of product launch events. The technological industry and in particular the mobile phone industry is very competitive and it is characterised with continuous innovation and product development, therefore to remain competitive within the industry, a company has to engage in continuous research and development in order to come-up with products that meet customers’ needs and surpass their expectations (Lattanzi et al. 2006). This present report is about Nokia, which is a Finnish Multinational Communications and Information Technology Company, which in the recent past has experienced a decline of its’ market share because of stiff competition within the market especially from rival companies such as Apple and Samsung (Saylor, 2012). As a response to the current competition at the market, Nokia manufactured the Nokia Lumia 920 and Nokia Lumia 820, which have distinctive features that other Smart phones do not have. The two new Nokia products have launched in other countries but they are yet to launch officially in South Africa. This report therefore will document on the planning and reviewing of the marketing event that will be held in South Africa. The report will state on how Nokia will use the launch event to create awareness about the two new products and even try to generate huge sales for the two new products during their launch. According to the writings by Steinbock (2010), in the past Nokia has taken a back seat in the Smartphone industry mainly due to the intensive competition that comes from other giant such as Apple and Samsung. The company is betting or pegging high hopes on the new products that include the Nokia Lumia 920 and Nokia Lumia 820 to revamp its position as the market leader in the Smartphone industry. Thou, the two new products were officially
Answering the question in skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Answering the question in skills - Essay Example What did you learn from your visit to the library? Which resources are you planning to use for your assignments this term? I learned from my visit to the library that there is a vast amount of reference materials available that can fully equip a student with all the knowledge, information, and data for any research work. I also learned that a student must familiarize himself how the materials in the library are Well-organized so one can efficiently conduct a research. It was very interesting for me to know that there are many databases that I can access in the library. These databases are provided by really good sources such as Cambridge, EBSCO, Harvard and other reputable academic organizations which provide an almost endless supply of journals. The Bridgeman Education is also helpful since it contains images that I can use for my projects. The journals coming from SAGE or EBSCO are even peer-reviewed which means that I get quality reference materials for any research I have to make. Also, it would be worth mentioning that the design of the library as well as the ambience is very conducive to reading. It was awesome to see such beautiful library containing 350,000 books and 8,000 journal articles. Indeed, the administration really made such an effort to giving the students the best possible support to their academic life. Aside from the books, I am planning to use the PCs since the electronic journals as well as databases can be accessed from there. The e-library provides convenience in reading materials even when you’re off-campus since I can access materials even at a net cafe. Yes I am confident in using the library resources and librarians are helpful in case you can’t find what you need. The only way to enhance research skills is by reading a lot of materials and organizing the reading list that you have. Having worked in groups today please reflect how successful you think it was? What do you think
Friday, October 18, 2019
New Business Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
New Business Proposal - Essay Example kit, 2011). The product is targeted towardsa customer base that has concern for the environment, and wants to contribute to its wellbeing by reducing their eco/foot print impact etc. The product is also expected to do well in the market because of its uniqueness and the fact that no online retailer has done this before. The detailed marketing strategy of the product has been discussed as follows: Product Strategy: The reusable and recycled bags are to be made of both recycled cotton and plastic materials. The brand awareness of ASOS will be relied upon as one of the key competitive advantages. Along with that, the good relationships of the ASOS brand with the suppliers and the high purchasing power that it has will also serve as a plus for the awareness and promotion of these bags. Another key aspect that would greatly benefit the product would be that of first mover advantage as up till now no online retailer has come up with this sort of idea. The bags will be made available to the markets of the UK and Ireland only. These bags would be large in size so as to serve for accommodating things for multiple purposes (posting, usage etc.) and they would have the ASOS logo on them. A specific percentage of the revenues generated would be granted to charities so as to better create an impact in terms of working towards the collective good of people and the overall society. The product is to be similar to Anya Hindermarch’s ‘I am not a plastic bag’ concept that encouraged people not to use plastic bags (Winterman, 2007) with a number of customized touches added to it. These would include a more stylish outlook, larger size that is to add to its value in terms of convenience, and finally, because of its outlook and size, these bags would be multipurpose serving the purposes of both shopping and delivering. The bag would also have specific customer number ID on it which would allow bag tracking/identification. The bag would be designed as such that i t would ensure maximum protection of the clothes etc. placed in it. The bags would say, â€Å"Yes I shop at ASOS because I carry their delivery envelope shopping bag†. Once, the product has established itself in the market, the producers can even go on to offer a variety in the colours and styles being offered and can eventually go on to offer customization options as well to grab all the more market share. Pricing: The pricing strategy has been decided to be cost based pricing in which the price is set in accordance to the production costs inculcating costs of goods and fixed assets plus a specific amount of profit margin (Allen, 2012). On that note, the price of the bags has been estimated to be in the bracket of about ?2.00 or 2.50 as a certain percentage of the revenues would also be going to some welfare cause or charity and hence that would also be kept under consideration while setting the final price. Place: The bag would be produced and supplied by a supplier with th e design accustomed to ASOS brand. Special trainings would be given to the logistics team in terms of identifying the bag, instructions on usage of the bag, dealing with lost or damaged bags (small charge, goodwill replacements) and in terms of teaching customers on how, why and where to use the bags. Promotion: The
Module project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Module project - Assignment Example Even though there are various risks of doing business in Mexico such as exchange rate risk, capital risk, labor risk, and litigation risks, there are various risk mitigation strategies that can be used by the company to ensure that these risks do not pose any major threats to growth and development. Part of these risk mitigation strategies has been found to include hedging and the use of local labor. As the company enters the Mexican market newly, there is the need to identify strategic business partners and assign roles to these partners to bring about business growth. Generally, roles that can be assigned to strategic business partners include expansion, internal strategic partnership, sensitization, and resources. The dynamism of the social variables of Mexico also calls for the need for there to be the creation of social networks, out of which social capital shall be built. Going into the future, the company is expected to have a strong marketing strategy that capitalizes on the weakness and threats of existing competitors so as to ensure the creation of competitive advantage for the company. With the aim of the organization to introducing a new line of tablet computer to be known as Slate to Mexico to target the younger generation of school going age, it is important to have partners with whom this aim can successfully be implemented. For the sake of growth and expansion, there shall not just be the use of partners but strategic business partners who shall be assigned four major roles within the organization as discussed below. These are going to be partners whose role will be based on geographic coverage and with the task of ensuring that the business growths and expands on a constant basis. While studying the Mexican market, Beaudoin, and Moore (2008) noted that Mexico has a potential of offering entrepreneurs a nationwide market place. This means that unlike other countries
Thursday, October 17, 2019
To what extent can russian agriculture companies develop and compete Essay
To what extent can russian agriculture companies develop and compete - Essay Example asing flows of labor.†2 However, it should be noted that globalization is not solely economic in nature but that it also includes cultural, technological, educational and other similar forms of exchanges among nations. Being such, it can be claimed that globalization plays a very integral role in the creation and understanding of the economic impetuses and policies of each and every country in the world today. And it is in this sense that Russia today is no different. It too since the reform period of 1990 to the present is trying to integrate in its economic policies and strategies the demands made by globalization. And this effort is congruent with the sentiment of experts in the fields of economics, business and politics who hold the idea that a global â€Å"exposure may help make the Soviet economy more efficient†3 In recognition of the vast potentiality of Russia in the global market, the researcher deems to look specifically into Russian agricultural sector focusing on AGRICO’s role in the further development of Russian agricultural sector both in local market and in the global sector. And this is done with the hope that despite the humongous problems within the sector which is rooted historically, Russian agriculture together with AGRICO manifest fundamental role of agriculture in Russian economy in particular and in the global economy in general. As stated earlier, this research will primarily focus on Russian agricultural sector with AGRICO as its focal point. In order to be able to clarify the pivotal role of AGRICO in understanding Russia’s effort in achieving global competitiveness in the agricultural sector of the global market, there are four questions which will be addressed. These are: Being such, this research will not touch on the entire Russian economy and politics but will zero-in only its agricultural sector, the researcher does not deny the interconnectedness of all the industries within the economy but for the purpose of
Effectiveness of higher education Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Effectiveness of higher education - Coursework Example The metrics of measuring or appraising the effectiveness of higher education are vast and essential. Higher education is perceived as any post-secondary school education which aims at modeling students to be professionals in various fields of interest. In order to measure the effectiveness of higher education, specific variables are considered based on their roles and the influence they have on both students and the institutions. In this synthesis essay, identified are sources that provide in-depth analysis of how effectiveness in higher education can be achieved. Additionally, the sources show how difference variables are deployed in various higher education settings and how efficient they make higher education. Among the factors considered in this case include productivity, effectiveness, unit cost, and efficiency. With reference to the productivity, efficiency and effectiveness, there are various perspectives that influence how each of these properties of higher education can be u sed to measure the overall effectiveness of the education system. While different sources provide varying arguments regarding how effective higher education is, a universal element is considered in most of these sources. Technology is mentioned in various sources as a factor that influences the effectiveness of higher education. This synthesis essay seeks to agree while at the same time offering a different perspective since most sources are peer-reviewed and offer quality appraisal metrics regarding the effectiveness of higher education.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
To what extent can russian agriculture companies develop and compete Essay
To what extent can russian agriculture companies develop and compete - Essay Example asing flows of labor.†2 However, it should be noted that globalization is not solely economic in nature but that it also includes cultural, technological, educational and other similar forms of exchanges among nations. Being such, it can be claimed that globalization plays a very integral role in the creation and understanding of the economic impetuses and policies of each and every country in the world today. And it is in this sense that Russia today is no different. It too since the reform period of 1990 to the present is trying to integrate in its economic policies and strategies the demands made by globalization. And this effort is congruent with the sentiment of experts in the fields of economics, business and politics who hold the idea that a global â€Å"exposure may help make the Soviet economy more efficient†3 In recognition of the vast potentiality of Russia in the global market, the researcher deems to look specifically into Russian agricultural sector focusing on AGRICO’s role in the further development of Russian agricultural sector both in local market and in the global sector. And this is done with the hope that despite the humongous problems within the sector which is rooted historically, Russian agriculture together with AGRICO manifest fundamental role of agriculture in Russian economy in particular and in the global economy in general. As stated earlier, this research will primarily focus on Russian agricultural sector with AGRICO as its focal point. In order to be able to clarify the pivotal role of AGRICO in understanding Russia’s effort in achieving global competitiveness in the agricultural sector of the global market, there are four questions which will be addressed. These are: Being such, this research will not touch on the entire Russian economy and politics but will zero-in only its agricultural sector, the researcher does not deny the interconnectedness of all the industries within the economy but for the purpose of
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Spanish Imperial Power at the end of World War I Essay
Spanish Imperial Power at the end of World War I - Essay Example By twentieth century Spain was in the full swing of economic modernisation. A national network of railroads linked Spain's cities and provincial capitals, and Spain was connected with the rest of the Europe. Because for its main lines Spain used a wider gauge track than France did, at places like Irun and Port Bou on the frontier, passengers and goods had to change their trains. Within Spain, the railroads overcame geographic barriers that had forever frustrated the development of a national economy. Steamships increased maritime commerce, both along Spain's coasts and with foreign ports. Spain exported citrus fruit, wine, olive oil, and the products of its mines, including coal and iron ore from the north and copper from the Rio Tinto. As manufacturing grew, stimulated by the spread of rails, iron ore soon headed for Spanish mills. (Pierson, 1999, p. 118) The outbreak of the First World War where on one hand resulted in the economic and social barriers like food shortages, economic dislocation and social distress, on the other hand Spain which at time considered to be the vanguard among its allies like Britain and France, experienced as much of the effects of the conflict as the other European states. Her official impartiality could hardly hide the intensity of the debate between the supporters of the Central Powers and those of the Allies, nor could it check the increasing militancy and ideological awareness produced by the impact of the war on the daily lives of the Spaniards. Having rested so far on the political apathy of most Spaniards, the Restoration system entered a period of crisis; a crisis of domination produced by the inability of the governing elites to face successfully the arrival of mass politics and its subsequent challenge to clientelism and patronage as a source of power. (Salvado, 1999, p. 5) Pierson writes, "In August 1914 most of Europe went to war. Spain did not. Held in low esteem as a military and naval power, Spain was part of no alliance system, nor was there any sentiment in Spain that it should be. What international difficulties it had with France over the establishment of a French protectorate over most of Morocco had been settled in 1913 through diplomacy". (Pierson, 1999, p. 124) Spanish Dual Attitude One of the main causes for Spain's hypocrite or neutral attitude was the weakening of her political and social recognition along with no growth in the context of economic reforms. Military was also unorganised and depicted a poor economic reserve for instability. Under such conditions Spain had no choice other than to adopt a neutral behavior towards its allies and rivals. Furthermore, the dispute in Europe was not regarded as affecting Spanish interests, while there was always the hope that by maintaining an impartial position Spain could play the leading role in organising a peace summit and therefore gain in the diplomatic field what could never be achieved on the battlefield. (Salvado, 1999, p. 6) Aftermath Economy The repercussions of the First World War on Spain were dramatic in a sense that able
Monday, October 14, 2019
Rome vs. Han Essay Example for Free
Rome vs. Han Essay Rome and Han were two classical civilizations which collapsed in many similar ways. For instance, they were similar because they both had problems protecting their borders from invading nomads, which helped lead to their demise. Also, another similarity is how the empires split and create provinces. Although, there were similarities between these civilizations, there were also many differences. One difference between the fall of the Han and the Roman empires is how China had the ability to revive itself and return to its former glory under a new dynasty after the fall of the Han, and the land of the Roman Empire never regained its previous power. Another difference is the matter of isolation, and how it effects China and how being a trade forerunner in the Mediterranean helps the empire. First, one similarity between the fall of the Han and the Roman Empires is the problem of expansion. Expansion allows an empire to gain wealth and prosperity by expanding their control over land and trade routes. Although, the larger and empire becomes, the harder it is to maintain its boundaries and is also more susceptible to invasion by other empires or nomadic tribes. Both empires had to build walls to protect the northern side of the empire. Rome spread its borders to wide for them to control, so as Germanic invaders started to invade from the north, Rome couldn’t protect its borders which ranged from Macedonia to the Indus River Valley.The Han also had a similar problem with herders from the north. Many would invade small peasant villages and pillage whatever they needed or wanted. With a current problem of feeding the countries large population, this didn’t help matters, actually it only made matters worse. Riots and mobs formed which stormed major cities until finally the Han fell and China was split into three kingdoms similar to Rome being split into two kingdoms. Rome and Han had many differences as well as similarities. One difference is after the decline China was revived during the Ting dynasty, and brought back to a unified state while the lands of the Roman Empire was never able to reach its former height after the Germanic tribes invaded from the north. Although, the Eastern half of the Roman empire, the Byzantines survived and strengthened over the next thousand years. Another difference between the Roman and the Han empires is isolation. China was isolated by mountains and deserts to the west. This provided not only a natural barrier against invasions, but it helped create an isolation from the many other classical civilizations. Rome, on the other hand, was not isolated, it sat mostly on the Italian peninsula, which jutted out into the Mediterranean Sea, a forerunner in sea trade. China being isolated created a problem with the economy, where the governments money only came from the taxation of the peasants and citizens. This depleted the money of the peasants and lower class, and still, the government didn’t have enough money to run properly. This effected the outcome of the invasion of the Huns which helped lead to the Han downfall because the government didn’t have enough money to pay for military action. Both the Roman Empire and Han Dynasty arose and expanded to become superpowers of their time, but at the end of their reign, China fell as it will do with many other dynasties after the Han, but still revive itself and create new. China has done this up to modern times, but Rome never recovers and will never become the superpower it once was again. It is amazing though how two civilizations that are completely isolated from each other can be so similar though, and still influence the world we live in today.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
A Clockwork Orange Essay: A Movie Analysis -- Movie Film comparison co
A Clockwork Orange A Movie Analysis    In 1962, Anthony Burgess' novel A Clockwork Orange was published for the first time. This novel was an anti-utopian fable about the near future, where teenage gangs habitually terrorize the inhabitants of a shabby metropolis. The novel deals with the main focus that man is a sinner but not sufficiently a sinner to deserve the calamities that are heaped upon him. It is a comic novel about a man's tragic lot. (Bergonzi 152).      In 1971, Stanley Kubrick turned Burgess' novel into a 136 minute, color motion picture produced by Warner Brothers. The movie starred Malcolm McDowell as the young gangster guilty of rape and murder. Kubrick was both writer and director.      Stanley Kubrick was born July 26, 1928 in the Bronx, New York. He is an accomplished director with other ground breaking movies under his belt, such as The Shining, Paths of Glory, and 2001 A Space Odyssey. His films have one common theme- the dehumanization of mankind. He is also known for his symmetric image composition and long "zooming out" and/or "zooming in" sequences. Kubrick constructs three-way conflicts and utilizes the techinique of extreme close-ups of intensely emotional faces. An interesting note is that Kubrick often uses the number 114 in his movies. In Clockwork Orange, Alex is given "Serum 114" when he undergoes Ludovico treatment. (Internet Movie Database 1) Some critics claim that it is due to the brilliance of Kubrick that Clockwork Orange was so successful. In his book The Science Fiction and Fantasy Handbook, Alan Frank writes, "Had the movie been the work of a lesser film maker, it is unlikely that it would have had the reception it receive d; as it is, [Kubrick's] brutalization of Burgess... ...reated a controversial film that brought the novel of Anthony Burgess to life. The violence and rapes were forced on the watcher and the nature of mankind as a sinner was driven into the minds of those who sat through the 136 minute film. Bibliography A Clockwork Orange . Beck, Michael and Thomas Waites. Cineman Syndicate. 1979. Received from America Online on April 18, 1997. Bergonzi, Bernard, Contemporary Novelists.1976. Cohen, Alexander J., Clockwork Orange and the Aestheticization of Violence. Accessed April 28, 1997 from the A Clockwork Orange homepage. Gottlieb, Sidney, Masterplots II.1987. Shipman, David. A Pictorial History of Science Fiction Films. In and Out of this World. Hamlyn Publishing, Middlesex, 1985. Utting, Bryce. A Clockwork Orange discussion notes. Accessed April 25, 1997 from A Clockwork Orange home page. Â
Saturday, October 12, 2019
How do poets from the pre 1914 poetry present their ideas about love Es
How do poets from the pre 1914 poetry present their ideas about love and relationships? The poems I have chosen to write about are ‘They flee from me’ by Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503-1542), ‘The unequal fetters’ by Anne finch (1661-1720) and ‘To his coy mistress’ by Andrew Marvell (1621-1678). I chose these poems because I found them attention-grabbing and remarkable as they all are based around the same topic of love and pretence. Also I liked these poems because of the fact that they have a message that is still true even in today’s world. Wyatt wrote this poem as an epigram of what court life would be like and what would come along with it. ‘They flee from me’ is a poem of love and what Thomas Wyatt’s attitudes are of love and hat it can do to you. The main theme of this poem is that women did just about anything to be with Thomas but eventually in hardly a long time they fled from him as the title suggests ‘They flee from me’. However an important theme is the uncertainty of life in the court of a cruel, fickle tyrant like Henry VIII. This suggests that although the life in the court of Henry VIII may be appealing and attractive it also comes with great dangers. The poem is set in the 16th century. And is basically about Thomas Wyatt’s life and mainly in relation to women and what he thought of them. Coming from the title ‘They flee from me’ something is running away from Wyatt. And this something is women. The poem was written from a male point of view so this could mean that the whole poem was to one side i.e. biased in the favour of men. The type of language used is 16th century and uses words that we do not usually use now. Some of these words are ‘guise’, ‘forsaking’ and ‘newfangleness’. Althoug... ...tells her to use up the time we have now otherwise we won’t know what could have been. He constantly uses the word ‘now’ as a way to make her do what he wants and he makes sure she listens because he tells her that everything should be done ‘now’. He also says that life is very tough ‘pleasures with rough strife†¦..iron gates of life’ and that they have defeated time ‘we cannot make our sun stand still†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦we will make him run’ The structure of the poem is very simple. It has rhyming couplets. This can allow the poem to make a number of cleverly phrased and memorable comments. The first stanza is a thesis that explains and concludes one side of the argument he is making. The second stanza is an anti-thesis that explains and concludes the other side of the argument. And the last stanza is a synthesis that is the conclusion of the whole argument he has made.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Exercise In Coping Up With Stress Education Essay
Stress is strictly a fact of nature to anyone in this universe. Stress is the impact of forces from the exterior or inside universe heartwarming the person ( Dryden, 1996, p.52 ) . Different persons react to emphasize in ways that touch the person, in add-on to, their environment. This paper will seek to look into how the usage of exercising affects the degree of emphasis among university pupils. Respondents for the survey will be University pupils from all modules. University pupils are celebrated to hold a high leaning to emphasize experience.Background OverviewUniversity instruction system has been altering every twenty-four hours due to emerging demands of higher instruction. For case, most public universities are regarded as research universities due to the sum of research being undertaken in those universities. University pupils, hence, bump into high force per unit area with the alteration of the instruction system ( Ebert, 2010, p. 271 ) . Consequently, the exam-oriented strategy in many universities lead to anxiety among bookmans since the pupils is forced to determine that acquiring good classs in the scrutiny aids them to be a nice frontrunner and get a respectable occupation in the hereafter.Problem StatementThe researches which have been done in t he yesteryear were conducted to look into the factors that influence the degree force per unit area among bookmans. However, there has been no any survey that verified and compared the designated of import facets towards choosing the foremost facet that sway the degree of anxiousness ( Dryden, 1996, p.34 ) . In add-on, the survey carried before has been piloted merely other degrees of instruction other than university instruction. Therefore, this research will seek to successfully look into the consequence of exercising in get bying with emphasis to university pupils. Therefore, the job statement for this probe can be spawned as: & A ; acirc ; ˆ?how does the usage of exercising aid in get bying up with emphasis among university pupils? & A ; acirc ; ˆA?Research ProblemThis survey will be done to size up and understand how exercising can be used in get bying with emphasis to university bookmans. Besides that, the survey will besides be speculative to how good exercising can b e used to act upon the degree of force per unit area among university scholars. This survey will concentrate to detect the importance of exercising in get bying with the degree of emphasis among the pupils in the establishment of higher instruction. Consequently, the research job can be formulated as: Use of exercising in get bying up with emphasis among university pupils.Research AimsThe followers are the aims of this survey: To look into the usage of exercising ( independent variables ) in get bying with emphasis among university pupils ( dependent variable ) . To happen out the influence of exercising to the degree of emphasis among university pupil.Research QuestionsSince the research job is highly wide to be studied openly, the following are the research inquiries that will assist to achieve the research intent for this probe: 1. What are the effects of exercising to the degree of emphasis among university pupil? 2. Is exercise helpful in get bying with emphasis among university pupil? 3. How good can exert be used in get bying with emphasis among university pupils?Literature ReviewStress is the attitude of unfamiliarity between environmental necessities ( stressors ) and single capableness to accomplish these necessities. Harmonizing to ( Dryden, 1996, p.45 ) , emphasis is the awful reaction from persons who have to unsafe force per unit area. Pressure takes topographic point when a individual is handled with a state of affairs that they recognize as overpowering and can non manage. Stress is recognized as a response shown by a diverseness of peripheral occurrences and can be treated as a positive or negative experience. Allard ( 2001 ) defines emphasis as an order focused to the adaptative capablenesss both bodily and emotionally. If these abilities can win the demand and take disposition in the stimulation concerned, so anxiousness will go an optimistic force of inducement and frailty versa is true. Stress is likely to impede scholastic public presentation and influence about 1000000s of pupils per twelvemonth. Harmonizing to Bj & A ; Atilde ; Â ¶rling ( 2009 ) , emphasis is debatable to command due its random effect on individuals. Dryden ( 1996 ) , through his research realized that pupils come across indicant of desperateness, anxiousness, and affair usage. Stress in educational establishments can impact pupil negatively and positively if non good administered ( Ebert, 2010, p. 274 ) . Educational establishments have diverse occupation milieus, as opposed to nonacademic. It is forecasted to hold changes in marks, facets, and effects of emphasis to pupils ( Burns, 2000, p.67 ) . It is really good to the society that scholars be educated and additions the critical cognition and proficiencies. This ensures that they make them add positively to the growing and development of the corporate economic system of any given state. Nevertheless, the complex academic environment seldom generates serious wellness troubles to the bookmans ‘ life. This tends to travel contrary to the confirmatory additions that one would prevent after progressing from University ( Onghena, 2002, p. 150 ) . These pupils must, hence, pay close attending to the assorted university ambiances and border an effectual and adept force per unit area direction in the establishment of higher instruction ( Gibson, 2006, p. 45 ) . University besides ought to maintain tantrum and stable academic ambiances good for improved acquisition, which is suited, with respect to the pupils ‘ distinguishable demands. Disposition of pupils airss diverse degree of mentalities to pupils ( Dryden, 1996, p.75 ) . In add-on, pupils ‘ upbringings influences how one differentiates the fortunes around them ( Nicassio, 1987, p. 61 ) . There are different sorts of expectancies, desires, and values for scholars which they pursue to carry through at the university. It can merely be possible to be identified merely if their abilities, desires, and values are combined with what have been presented in the university ( Martire, 2008, p.357 ) .MethodologyThis subdivision will concentrate on methods that were used to roll up informations needed to reply the research inquiries. This subdivision focus majorly on: research design, trying techniques and processs, informations aggregation tools and method of informations analysis.Research DesignHarmonizing to Dryden ( 1996 ) , a research design is the organisation lineation or a program that is used to make replies to research jobs. Research design is intended to bring forth arithmetical information about the characteristic that policy shapers and researc h workers are interested in ( Dryden, 1996, p.115 ) . This research will utilize a descriptive design to roll up information and carry out the study. This sort of design is extremely suited to the sort of information to be collected in this research.AdvantageDescriptive research offers research workers the chance to utilize both finite and qualitative informations in order to detect informations and characteristics about the phenomenon that is being investigated.DisadvantageDescriptive research normally has a subjectiveness and mistake which is disadvantageous to descriptive research. From the subjectiveness and mistake, research worker may pick what facts to utilize and ignore informations that do non follow to their hypothesis.Participants and enlistingThe survey bunch will include pupils from different modules who were contacted via electronic mail to take portion in the survey undertaking. The pick of pupils will be convenience sample of 130 university pupil. All pupils will be eligible to be selected for engagement. The bunch will besides hold equal gender representation which is equal to 65 male pupils and 65 female pupils. This is conformity to the rule of equal representation in aggregations ( Dryden, 1996, pp.115-117 ) . The bunch will besides seek to hold equal representation in all modules.SampleIn this probe, the simple random sample will be performed as a methodological analysis for this research paper. Data will be collected from a reappraisal of the population of bookmans from every individual module within the University ( Dryden, 1996, p.111 ) . The participants who will be make fulling in the study will be from assorted backgrounds for case race, gender and educational degree. The bunch will include pupils who will be analyzing in an extended assortment of educational subjects and those who achieved a normal scope of grade point norms. This study will be wholly voluntary ; however, it will be completed by all sampled pupils in the category.AdvantageSample random method is highly representative if all issues take part.DisadvantageThis method is non likely without whole list of population participants. It is besides perchance wasteful to carry through. Not burying that it can be troublesome to insulate some participants from a group.Data aggregationData will be gathered utilizing self-administered 10 entries questionnaire which will seek to detect the importance of exercising in get bying with emphasis among university pupils. The questionnaire will besides seek to happen out how good exercising can be used in cut downing the degree of emphasis among university pupils ( Dryden, 1996, p.117 ) . It will take each participant a approximately 5- 10 minute to finish. The inquiries will be easy to reply, but there will be counsel to the respondents. This will guarantee that they provide the needed information and besides supply accurate and relevant information.Ethical DeductionsPrior to any project of the survey, behavior research moralss commission application should be completed. While making this research, this signifier will be filled ( Appendix V ) . At the clip, of enlisting participant will be given the needed information leting them to make up one's mind whether to take part in survey utilizing a standard verbal book ( Appendix II ) . If the respondents will be willing to larn more about the survey they will be given a missive of debut ( Appendix III ) . An information sheet depicting the survey and what would be expected of them will besides be provided ( Appendix IV ) . They will be made cognizant that any information provided is purely confidential and in no manner w ill they be identified in the research ( Appendix III ) . Persons wishing to take part in the survey will subscribe a consent signifier ( Appendix V ) . It will be made known to them that if they feel at all affected or disturbed by the survey ; they are welcome to reach the research worker with their concern for farther probe ( Appendix IV ) . While making publication of consequences obtained in the research, ethical unity will be indispensable. Important ethical hurts will be considered while composing a papers ( Dryden, 1996, p.98 ) . Although there are hazards of false publication, extra publication, plagiarism, authorship, and chance for struggle of involvement ( Dryden, 1996, p.121 ) . Strategies will be established to forestall or detect ethical amendss, and usage of these attacks will rise ethical honestness when fixing a concluding papers for publication. Information therefore, given by the respondent in this topic will non be subjected to the above stated hazard. Therefore, respondents should experience free while giving out information. They are being protected from any hazard.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Impact on children in the bilingual education programme
Stung Treng, one of the distant northeasterly states of the Kingdom of Cambodia, is inhabited by different cultural minority groups in add-on to the bulk Khmers, such as â€Å" Brao, Kaveth, Lun, Phnong, Khmer Khe, and Kuy †( Center for Advanced Study, 2009, p. 285 ) . Without schooling, these groups have high hazards of being exploited and exposed to bad behaviours such as drug maltreatment and unprotected sex. With low degrees of literacy they can be more prone to infection by common diseases in their community like malaria and dandy fever febrility, which farther depletes their minimum incomes necessitating outgo on medical specialties and medical expertness. Furthermore, their full potencies to develop themselves every bit good as their community have non been realized due to miss of chances. There are many benefits associated with female parent lingua based bilingual instruction: higher registration rates in formal system ; lower dropout rates ( a common ground for dropout in the early old ages of instruction is linguistic communication ; there are high dropout rates for kids talking a different female parent lingua to the linguistic communication of direction ) ; lower repeat rates, for kids necessitating to reiterate peculiar classs of their schooling ; higher rates of success for misss remaining in instruction ; higher rates of parental and community engagement in kids ‘s instruction ; it can better the relationship between political leaders and a multilingual population ; it leads to greater proficiency and eloquence in national linguistic communication ( and besides so international linguistic communications if these are pursued ) if initial direction is done in female parent longue ; and community engagement in instruction is really of import – affecti ng parents, community and instructors in instruction helps kids learn. Greater engagement is found when initial direction is in the female parent lingua. Over recent old ages the United Nations Children ‘s Fund ( UNICEF ) , in coaction with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport ( MoEYS ) , has piloted a bilingual instruction programme in Siem Pang territory, Stung Treng state, where most Kaveth cultural group members are concentrated. This has been done in order to supply primary instruction to kids of this group by utilizing a bilingual theoretical account of larning implemented by CARE Cambodia, portion of CARE International, in Rattanakiri state. The programme focused on a minority population in three small towns of Siem Pang territory straight profiting about 225 kids. For confidentiality purposes the small towns will be known as small town K, small town O and small town T. 1.2 Problem Statement The bilingual method of learning adopted in the plan has been the agencies of supplying primary instruction to kids of cultural minorities in this state and its impact has non been studied therefore far, so the research worker has great involvement in researching this. 1.3 Purpose and Significance It is anticipated that the informations collected and analyzed in this survey will be used as a strong foundation to reason for an enlargement of the plan to other minority communities which are presently underserved by the Kampuchean instruction system. This has deductions for an addition in instruction entree for the-hard-to-reach kids of the state ‘s minority groups. The scope of possible impacts include the person ‘s future work chances, their attitudes towards and value for instruction, and the development of positive behaviours towards effectual wellness and hygiene patterns within the minority communities. Hopefully, the research findings will show the positive results and impact of the bilingual instruction programme. It may besides bring out issues or jobs that can be addressed. The positive impact will function as an protagonism message to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport â€Å" for bilingual instruction to be portion of national instruction policy programs, and the programs must be implemented in pattern with sufficient resources in the signifier of allocated financess, decently trained forces and other necessary resources †( UNESCO, 2005, p. 3 ) . 1.2 Research Questions This research proposal intends to research the inquiry â€Å" What are the self-reported impacts of attending at the bilingual instruction programme on kids, their households and communities? †with the following purposes: To document the impact on take parting pupils of their attendance/involvement in the bilingual instruction programme in Stung Treng ; To document the impact on the households of pupils who attend the bilingual instruction programme in Stung Treng ; and To document the impact on the local communities in which pupils and their households attend bilingual instruction programme in Stung Treng.2. MethodsDiscussed in this subdivision will be the sampling technique, informations aggregation procedures and the method for informations analysis. Ethical issues and the stairss taken to turn to them will besides be considered here. 2.1 Sampling The proposed research will concentrate on the impact of bilingual instruction on the minority communities in Siem Pang territory, Stung Treng state. In each of these communities there is one school supplying bilingual instruction from classs one to three, and this research will utilize a convenience sample to choose one school with ready entree for the research worker. Two pupils from each of the three classs ( n = 6 ) from the selected school will be invited to take part in an interview. A parent of each of the invited pupils will be invited to take part in a focal point group treatment plus two members of the school support commission based on their handiness ( n=8 ) . A list of male and female pupils from the selected school will be sought from the school principal by the research worker. Simple random sampling will be used to choose two pupils from each of the three classs. The research worker will compose each single pupil ‘s name on a separate faux pas of paper, topographic point all the faux pass in a container, agitate the container, and choice faux pass from the container until the coveted figure of participants is selected. This procedure will be repeated by class and gender with misss in one container and male childs in the other in order to hold gender balance. It is of import to hold gender balance in this survey so that every bit representative voices can be heard. An Information Form and an Informed Consent signifier and missive from the school principal developed by the research worker will be sent to parents by the instructor through the selected pupils to seek their parental blessing. If parents of the selected pupils do non O.K. of their kids take parting in this research, the same procedure will be repeated with other pupils of the selected school until the coveted sample has been achieved. There are restrictions deducing from both clip restraints and geographical conditions for carry oning this research, so the sample size will non be big plenty to generalise the results of this survey. This trying attack besides has some restrictions. It can non vouch a good representation of the whole population in the small town or the category, cut downing the generalizability of the consequences. However, the impact of bilingual instruction in this minority community can still be measured through a carefully structured research tool. 2.2 Data aggregation 2.2.1 Interviewing Data will be collected through single interviews with the pupils of each of the three classs who have received parental consent to take part, and with two grownup focal point groups of four each group dwelling of the parents of three pupils and a member of school support commission in each group. Student interviews will be done by class degree, three interviews with the 2 kids from the same class degree. Due to clip restraints, carry oning pair interviews with pupils is a preferred option to the research worker. To cut down the possibility of male childs ruling the interview, the interviewer will deliberately direct the inquiries to girl pupils in an attempt to promote female engagement. The possible grownup participants in focal point group treatments will be provided with an Information Sheet in their ain linguistic communication, explicating the research intent and a Consent Form ( see Appendix A ) . Potential kid participants will be provided with an Information Form and Consent Form in their ain linguistic communication that requires parental every bit good as child consent, in an effort to turn to ethical concerns about questioning kids who are under the legal age of consent. Interviews with pupils will be conducted at their school on Thursday forenoon because Thursday is no-class twenty-four hours whilst focal point group treatments will be conducted in the afternoon of the same twenty-four hours and at the same topographic point. The interviews and concentrate group treatments will be audio-recorded for ulterior written text and analysis The interviews and concentrate groups ( draft inquiries in Appendix E ) will be conducted by the research worker and facilitated by a bilingual instructor, who can talk the local linguistic communication good, to assist smooth the procedure and to avoid any possible misinterpretation during interviews and concentrate group treatments. The instructor will non be the kid ‘s instructor to forestall any concerns of the kid in the event they make a critical remark. An instruction functionary each from the provincial and territory offices will be approached to set up communicating flow between the research worker and survey participants in footings of doing assignments for the interviews and concentrate group treatments. An interview protocol and inquiries will be developed for usage in the interviews and concentrate group treatments ( see Appendix B ) . Students will be asked semi-structured inquiries by the research worker, with interlingual rendition by a bilingual instructor. Possibly examining inquiries will besides be developed to utilize when new subjects come up during interviews and concentrate group treatments. The research worker will discourse the inquiries beforehand with the transcriber to clear up the content and purpose of the inquiries with the purpose of thereby cut downing confusion during the times of questioning and treatment. All interviews and treatments will be audio-recorded so that the procedure can be conducted swimmingly without breaks for note pickings. The recordings will subsequently be transcribed for thorough analysis, and will be translated into English. The recordings, the written texts every bit good as the interlingual renditions will be stored and watchword protected in the research worker ‘s personal computing machine for confidentiality and will be destroyed after the research study has been completed. There are some restrictions to the usage of interviews and concentrate group treatments. Students, their parents and community leaders of the minority group do non hold much exposure to the universe outside their immediate community, and this may take to narrow positions in their responses and treatments and limit the profusion of data/information aggregation. All the research participants are new to interviews and concentrate group treatments, and this may keep them from talking openly and honestly. The usage of a transcriber could besides perplex the procedure and add an unintended confusion to participants. Focus groups can non vouch confidentiality hence single respondents may be restrained in their responses if they believe person in the group might state others about peculiar remarks, particularly any perceived as critical. 2.3 Data analysis The analysis will be done first by transcribing the recorded responses from the interviews and focal point groups. Similar phrases from each transcript are put together under descriptive labels. By making so, informations are pooled and a form or subject will emerge. Give the little figure of participants in both interviews and concentrate group treatments, informations analysis will be done utilizing excel spreadsheet. 2.4 Ethical considerations The true intent of this survey will be obviously explained to all participants in this research and the general benefits deducing from this research for their community will besides be explained in order to derive their full engagement. It will be explained that engagement is voluntary and anon. . By making so the research participants understand they are non compelled to prosecute against their will and may retreat from take parting at any clip. The research worker pays great attending to ethical issues that might be concerned with the survey in footings of coercion and power imposed on the participants. Therefore, the research worker has designed an Information Sheet and Consent Form in the cultural linguistic communication explicating the intent and the procedure of the survey every bit good as their right to decline to take part before the survey can get down. An informal attack to the behavior of the interviews and focal point groups will be pursued in order to set all the participants at easiness and to arouse as rich and varied information as possible.3. Literature Reappraisal3.1 International context Surveies have shown that direction in the female parent lingua is good to achievement in other capable countries and 2nd linguistic communication acquisition. In parts where the linguistic communication of the scholar is non the national linguistic communication of the state, bilingual instruction can do female parent lingua direction possible while supplying acquisition of the national linguistic communication at the same clip ( UNCESCO, 2003 ) . International research shows that at least five old ages of direction in the first linguistic communication -but sooner throughout the instruction system – is required to supply a solid foundation for farther surveies. A strong foundation in the female parent lingua is besides needed for 2nd linguistic communication acquisition and successful transportation of the literacy accomplishments from the first to the 2nd linguistic communication ( UNESCO, 2006 ) . Teaching basic accomplishments to hapless kids through linguistic communication submergence may be damaging, but bilingual instruction is a much more effectual option. Students in the United States of America having direction in a native linguistic communication and English at different times of the twenty-four hours were found to do the most dramatic additions in reading public presentation compared to their English-only equals. This research is pertinent to multilingual low-income states ( World Bank, 2006 ) . The figure of old ages of direction in the first linguistic communication is the most of import forecaster of reading public presentation in a 2nd linguistic communication. It is non of import what the first linguistic communication is, but instead how much cognitive and academic development the pupil has experienced in it. The higher the pupils ‘ accomplishment in the primary linguistic communication, the faster they will come on in the 2nd linguistic communication ( World Bank, 2006 ) . 3.2 Kampuchean context The footings â€Å" cultural minorities, †â€Å" autochthonal peoples, †â€Å" hill folks †and â€Å" Highlanders †are non synonymous. They are used interchangeably to depict the population groups who reside in remote, difficult-to-access countries within Cambodia. They make a life largely by subsistence agriculture and from forest merchandises, and do non talk Khmer, the national linguistic communication, as a female parent lingua ( UNCESCO, 2005 ) . With the publicity of Education For All ( EFA ) , the Royal Government of Cambodia ( RGC ) is cognizant of the demand to do instruction accessible to all. The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport is get downing to acknowledge that bilingual instruction may be an effectual manner of run intoing the educational demands of Cambodia ‘s cultural minorities while enabling them to take part more to the full in Khmer society ( UNESCO, 2007 ) . To accomplish Education For All in minority communities, particular schemes such as bilingual instruction can be used ( UNESCO, 2006 ) . Bilingual instruction encompasses more than the female parent lingua as the linguistic communication of direction. Curriculum, stuffs, instructors and, learner-centered methodological analysiss are all elements of the educational procedure related to the autochthonal people ‘s civilization in a wide sense. Furthermore the attack has promoted the acceptance of inclusive instruction with scholars from upland autochthonal groups have long been marginalized and deprived of any chance for formal instruction ( UNCESCO, 2005 ) . Cultural minority communities have maintained their cultural, lingual and traditional differences through their farness from the bulk cultural communities. Given this farness, there has non been the chance to back up substructure and the development and/or renovation of school edifices, conveyance and administrative substructure that instruction may necessitate ( UNCESCO, 2005 ) . This compounds the disadvantage of the minority groups even further. There have been few educational chances for autochthonal peoples and, accordingly, there are few trained forces who are fluid in cultural minority linguistic communications and Khmer. As Khmer is non the first linguistic communication of the different upland groups, kids are placed at a disadvantage when it is used as the lone linguistic communication of direction ( UNESCO, 2005 ) .Find some figures that describe the engagement rates of cultural minority groups in higher instruction in Cambodia – it will beef up this point every bit good as the Significance of the research Given that there have been few undertakings that catered to the specific educational demands of cultural minorities, there is besides a deficiency of stuffs that are culturally relevant or readily adaptable for usage in footings of linguistic communication and content ( UNESCO, 2005 ) . Indeed, small town support for schooling has been missing, most likely due to the fact that formal school services did non run into the demands of the community, and conflicted with socio-cultural norms in upland small towns. Besides, learning methodological analysis and inflexible time-tabling were non suited. Curriculum and stuff developed for the cultural minorities needs to be appropriate to accommodate the demands of the autochthonal communities. If an instruction undertaking is non based on existent, identified demands in the targeted communities, the scholars will hold it inappropriate and non utile for their demands ( UNESCO, 2005 ) with subsequent low engagement and success rates. Education for misss faces particularly tough obstructions within Cambodia and can be observed frequently in the signifier of negative attitudes – by parents, instructors and community members. Discrimination is apparent in societal norms, linguistic communication, and submissive stereotypes. Socio-cultural influences work against misss ‘ entree to instruction in the signifier of early matrimonies, a heavy domestic work load and low educational outlooks ( UNESCO, 2005 ) . This is particularly true in a traditional society like Cambodia, in which miss ‘ instruction is less valued than male childs ‘ and misss are confined to household jobs, allow entirely misss from the state ‘s minority groups.
Civil V Criminal Law
English law is made up primarily of Civil and Criminal Law. Civil Law is concerned with the the Laws of Tort and Contract. Civil law can be defined as that area of law which is concerned with private disputes that occur between individuals or between individuals and organisations and where a proceedings in court is initiated by the aforementioned. In contrast, criminal law seeks to punish those that has done wrongs against the community. For example, a person who decides to take the life of someone else commits murder. The community by way of its government has a duty to protect itself from being murdered. The result is Criminal Law which is enforceable by the State and initiated by the Police. Therefore criminal law is said to protect the community and punishes those that breaks the law with a fine, imprisonment or community sentences. Whereas, civil law seeks to compensate party who has suffered wrong. Civil law covers many areas of everyday daily life, most notable are domestic relations law like divorces and child custody law, probate like wills and estates, employment like agency and working hours laws, and personal injury law. Under pining those laws are Tort and Contract Law. A high level definition of tort law is that it deals with wrongs or injuries inflicted on one party by another and usually the parties involved are unknown to each other until something occurs which results in the tort action. Contracts on the other hand deals with the roles, relationships and obligations of parties that are engaged in a formal agreement. Under civil law an example of tort is acts of carelessness, or failure to act which result in injury or loss to another person. An example is a driver who fails to drive properly and as a result of that failure injures a pedestrian. This incident can give rise to negligence which is the failure to take reasonable care to avoid injury or loss to another person. However in order to prove a negligent claim, it must be proved that there existed a duty of care on the driver to not cause harm to others. The test of this duty of care is that the court will need to determine that a reasonable person would expect that a certain result might follow from an action. Therefore, by not driving properly the driver mounts the pavement and hits the pedestrian, if the result is foreseeable for a reasonable person, then liability may be imposed for the action. In comparison, contract law is an agreement between two persons where one binds himself, with respect to the other, to give something or to render some service. As such, a contract is said to be binding with obligations, and if not met, may lead to an action in civil court. For example a plumber hired to undertake the repair of a leaky facet has entered into a contract to repair the leaking facet in exchange for payment, if he fails to repair the facet within the terms of the agreement, there might not be any obligation to pay him as the terms of the contract has not met. To conclude, civil law covers several area of laws and is primarily concerned with private individuals or companies. The use of the term civil law as a blanket term to cover tort and contract is not confusing as the actions undertaken by the individuals will be indicative of the area of the law that is applicable. The principles are distinguishable, tort usually involves persons who have not entered into a contract or a formal relationship whereas contracts are legally binding agreements established by two or more persons. Where there might be a blurring of the distinctions is where there arises a case of tort while undertaking a contract. Such as an accident in the workplace where there exist a contract of employment. Bibliographies â€Å"Civil Law†Directgov http://www. direct. gov. uk/en/CrimeJusticeAndTheLaw/Thejudicialsystem/DG_4003097 â€Å"Criminal Law†Directgov http://www. direct. gov. uk/en/CrimeJusticeAndTheLaw/Thejudicialsystem/DG_4003097 â€Å"Tort†Stanford University http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/tort-theories/
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
History 101 Constitution Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
History 101 Constitution Assignment - Essay Example Before the approval and implementation of the new US Constitution, the existing 13 member colonies used the Articles of Confederation established and ratified in 1787, by Second Continental Congress as a guide in governing the union (Bederman 89). The national government that operated under the Articles of Confederation proved too weak and therefore could not effectively handle and regulate the numerous conflicts emerging between the states. Therefore, some of the leaders proposed for a new instrument of government to replace the weak one. Due to the emergent weaknesses, the purpose of the Philadelphia Convention was to rectify the weaknesses witnessed in the Articles that had existed even before the conclusion of the American Revolutionary War. Even though the aim of the Convention was to rectify the Articles, some of the leaders in attendance, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, coming from New York and Virginia respectively, intended to create a new government rather than rectify the existing one (Whittington 119). The two leaders came together and vigorously campaigned for the new Constitution. According to them, improved stability of the Union government was necessary in order to protect commerce and property. Being federalist, they vigorously campaigned for a very powerful central government with a large republic to control factions. According to Hamilton, the common people are ignorant and thus, incapable of rul ing themselves (Education Portal 1). Therefore, he asserted that the only people to rule should be the elites. Consequently, since the common people cannot rule, Hamilton proposed of unequal voting qualifications between the elites and common people. Thus, elites need to be accorded higher voting qualifications compared to the common people. However, Thomason Jefferson championed for states? rights as well as the trueness of democratic principles. Unlike Hamilton and his group, Jefferson believed in the capacity of the common man to rule or self-govern (Education Portal 1). Due to this, he supported lowering of voting qualifications of the elite in order to march those of the elite in society. It is therefore true that some leaders wanted a new system of government in order to address several issues related to governing. 2.Using citations from the Constitution, identify and explain the structure and function of the three Branches of government. Is this more in line with â€Å"Hamil tonian†or â€Å"Jeffersonian†political philosophy? The American Constitution is considered the oldest constitution in the world, and which exists in the contemporary world. Since its adoption and inception on September 17, 1787, it has guided and created governmental institutions within America as well as contributed to the political stability, economic freedom, social progress, and individual freedom in USA for over 200 years (Amar 70). It forms the main instrument of the U.S government as well as the supreme law within America. Its simplicity and flexibility has made it a model for other constitutions in the world. Constitution was established in the 18 century to guide 4 million people. However, after undergoing 27 amendments, the constitution currently serves over 260 million people in 50 different states within the U.S. Since the U.S Constitution forms the central instrument of the government, it provides direction on how the country is governed. It outlines the structure and functions of the three branches of the U.S Government; The Executive Branch; The Judicial
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