Monday, September 30, 2019
Instructional Materials in english
At the end of this module, you are expected to write a reflective essay which ill be graded based on criteria presented at the latter part of the module. As you do the following tasks, you will be guided by the essential question. â€Å"How are preferences, feelings, and insights communicated in a reflective essay? Welcome to Module 2! Johanna Mae Y. Arena Activity 1: What lies beneath the Ink? Below are questions you have to answer. Each question represents a concept or idea which is about to be discussed in this module. Don't leave any item unanswered! From â€Å"Once More Eremite†by Vaccination De la Tore 1 .Before the International Monetary' Fund (MIFF) conference, which â€Å"sprouted†there live-star hotels. Manila Hilton was the place to be seen at. 2. Noted journalist Carmen Guerdon Nanking, who is a native of Eremite, points out that Eremite was then a Toga Village peopled by free, energetic and handsome Malay who drank whine, wore gold bangles and treated ea ch other and the Spanish newcomers with exquisite courtesy. 3. Those, whose beliefs in religion, in life, in just anything are unorthodox, air their views in Eremite's Coffee Shops. 1-9 For items 1-9, do the following: 1. Underline the antecedent used in the statement. . Circle the relative pronoun; and Underline the relative clause twice. 3. 1-3 Before the International Monetary Fund (MIFF) conference, which â€Å"sprouted†other five-star hotels, Manila Hilton was the place to be seen at. Noted journalist Carmen Guerdon Nanking, who is a native of Eremite, points out that Eremite was then a Toga Village peopled by free, energetic and 7-9 Those, whose beliefs in religion, in life, in just anything are unorthodox, air 10. A type of essay which aims to reflect on a personal event or experienced of the author called a a. Persuasive essay b. Reflective essay c. Narrative essay d. Harasser sketch Johanna Mae Y. Erne 2 Processing points This activity will not be recorded, however your score is important to diagnose whether you have background knowledge of the topic. Activity 2: Reflective Circles What is a reflective essay? Try to dissect the idea using the Venn diagram below: Reflection Essay 3 Activity 3: Photo Reflection Below are interesting pictures that have to do with activities (both academic and leisure) in school. Fill out the table below. Write whatnot remember the most about the pictures. Fill out the table below: What is the picture all about? What does the picture remind you of?Activity 4: Transport Below are comments about transportation vehicles. Write the transport talked about. (motor vehicle, plane, boat, train, tricycle, etc. ) Put a plus mark (+), if the remark made positive one or put a minus sign G) if it is a negative one or a statement of disapproval. a. My goodness! The noise it makes before it takes off is deafening because it has to gather speed so it can get off the ground. B. I'll take this ride anytime. It is big. It does not r ock with the waves. Besides that, it is very comfortable just like a floating hotel. C. Those smoke belching vehicles should be banned from the streets.They pollute the air. Moreover they endanger our health. D. That power steering device makes driving very comfortable because the driver does not have to shift gears anymore. The machine helps him do it. 4 e. This is the fastest and cheapest way to travel. It's fast for it has its own tracks to run on, hence it does not get caught up in traffic. F. They tie up traffic; not only that, they are also very noisy. They should be allowed only on the side streets. Isn't it dangerous to go out to sea in that craft since it has only one outrigger? Won't it capsize in rough seas because it is not balanced?Activity 5: COHO -COHO train! Read the following questions. Copy your answers in your notebook. 1. What is the modern-day train model? 2. How does it differ from the other means of land travel? 3. What advantages does a train have over other land transports? 4. What are some of the disadvantages? 5. What comes into your mind when you hear the word train? Write your answers in the graphic organizer below. 5 Activity 6: The Question is Fill out the chart below. Important question about reflective essay Next important question Third important Least important Processing point C] Why is it your most important question? Activity 7: Check My Question! You have selected the most important question in Activity 6, now it is time to make an evaluation of your chosen question using the checklist below: Write your question here: Start evaluating your chosen question here: Characteristics of Essential Question Expressed Not Expressed . It has no simple â€Å"right†answer. It could be argued. 2. 3. It provokes critical thinking. 4. It raises other important questions. It is related to life. 5. Are all the characteristics expressed in your chosen question? If so, then your question is an essential question!If not, try selecting another question and repeat the process enumerated in this activity. The correct answer is â€Å"How are preferences, feelings, and insights communicated in a reflective essay? 7 Reflective essay is a type of essay aimed to reflect personal event or experience Of the author. The main condition is that it has to be a certain personal experience on which the author expresses his very own perception about life. This experience or event is revealed in the essay in order to demonstrate its importance for understanding social relations and the essence of people.Structure of a Reflective Essay Here is a probable scheme of a reflective essay: ; The aim of the opening paragraph is to get the reader involved in the authors expression of ideas including interesting details and personal experiences. The style must be very vivid and must appeal to the reader. ; The middle part reveals a good variety Of the author's ideas on the topic. ; The concluding sentences summarize the main ideas and exp eriences highlighted in the essay. The author makes a reflection of his general perception of the given topic.The introductory paragraph is used for describing the background of your topic, your role in it, and the reasons for choosing it. It is also important to mention your aim and goals for developing the reflective essay writing. In the u porting paragraphs you will explain the process of working on the reflective essay from its initial research to the final stages. Be sure to pay attention to both the weak and strong points; positive and negative experiences and any associated feelings. 8 To conclude your reflective essay efficiently, answer these questions: ; Did you achieve your goals? What would you like to change if you had another chance? ; What useful expertise have you obtained from the task? ; How could it be improved? Activity 8: Vocabulary in a Flash Below are phrases you will encounter while reading the essay ‘ ‘The World in a Train †by Francisco C asino. What do you mean by a. Small world b. Abstraction called humanity c. Without regard to hygiene d. Hard- fought battle e. Fashion so distasteful complete indifference 9 One Sunday I entrained for Baling, a town in Vulcan which can well afford to hold two fiestas a year without a qualm. Kook the train partly because am prejudiced in favor of the government owned railroad, partly because I am allowed comparative comfort in a coach, and finally because trains sometimes leave and arrive according to schedule. In the coach I found a little world, a section of the abstraction called humanity homo we are supposed to love and live for. Had previously arranged to divide the idle hour or so between cultivating my neglected Christianity and smoothing out the rough edges of my nature with the aid of grateful sights without -? the rolling wheels, the flying huts and trees and light-green play seedlings and carbons along the way.Inertia, I suppose, and the sort of reality we moderns know ma ke falling in love with my immediate neighbors often a matter of severe strain and effort to me. Let me give a sketchy picture of the little world whose company Mans Koki shared in moments which soon passed away affecting most of us. First, there came to my notice three husky individuals who dusted their seats furiously with their handkerchiefs without regard to hygiene or the brotherhood of men. It gave me no little annoyance that on such a quiet morning the unpleasant aspects in other people's ways should claim my attention.Then there was a harmless-looking middle-aged man in green camas De chino with rolled sleeves who must have entered asleep. When I noticed him he was already snuggly entrenched in a corner seat, with his slipped feet comfortably planted on the opposite seat, all the while his head danced and dangled with the motion of the train. I could not, for the love of me, imagine how he would look if he were awake. A child of six in the next seat must have shared with me in speculating about the dreams of this sleeping man in green.Was he dreaming of the Second World War or the price of eggs? Had he any worries about the permanent dominion status or the final outcome of the struggles of the masses, or was it merely the arrangement of the scales on a fighting roaster's legs that brought that frown on his face? But the party that most engaged my attention was a family of eight composed of a short but efficient father, four very young children, mother, grandmother, and another woman who must have been the efficient father's sister.They distributed themselves on four benches – you know the kind of seats facing each other so that half the passengers travel backward. The more I looked at the short but young and efficient father the shorter his parts looked to me. His movements were fast and short, too. He removed his coat, folded it carefully and slung it on the back of his seat. Then he pulled out his wallet from the hip pocket and counted his mon ey while his wife and the rest of his group watched the ritual without a word.Then the short, young, and efficient father stood up and pulled out two nana leaf bundles from a bamboo basket and spread out both bundles on one bench and log luncheon was ready at ten o'clock. With the efficient father leading the charge, the children (except the baby in his grandmother's arms) began to dig away with little encouragement and aid from the elders. In a short while the skirmish was over, the enemy – shrimps, omelet, rice and tomato sauce – were routed out, save for a few shrimps and some rice left for the grandmother to handle in her own style later.Then came the water- fetching ritual. The father, with a glass in hand, led the march to the train acute, followed by three children whose faces still showed the marks of a hard-fought-battle. In passing between me and a person, then engaged in a casual conversation with me, the short but efficient father made a courteous gesture w hich is still good to see in these democratic days; he bent from the hips and, dropping both hands, made an opening in the air between my collector and me – a gesture which in unspoiled places means â€Å"Excuse Me. 10 In one of the stations where the train stopped, a bent old woman in black boarded the train. As it moved away, the old woman went about the coach, egging holding every prospective Samaritan by the arm, and stretching forth her gnarled hand in the familiar fashion So distasteful to me at that time. There is something in begging which destroys some fiber in most men. â€Å"Every time you drop a penny into a beggar's palm you help degrade a man and make it more difficult for him to rise with dignity..There was something in his beggar's eye which seemed to demand. â€Å"Now do your duty. †And did. Wily-nil I dropped a coin and thereby filled my life with repulsion. Is this Christianity? â€Å"Blessed are the poor But with what speed did that bent old Oma n cross the platform into the next coach! While thus engaged in unwholesome thought, felt myself jerked as the train made a curve to the right. The toddler of the family of eight lost his balance and caught the short but efficient father off-guard.In an instant all his efficiency was employed in collecting the shrieking toddler from under his seat. The child had, in no time, developed two elongated bumps on the head, upon which was applied a moist piece of cloth. There were no reproaches, no words spoken. The discipline in the family was remarkable, or was it because they considered the head as a minor anatomical appendage and was Hereford nor worth the fuss?Occasionally, when the child's crying rose above the din of the locomotive and the clinkers-clank of the wheels on the rails, the father would jog about a bit without blushing, look at the bumps on his child's head, shake his own, and move his lips saying, â€Å"Task, Task†. And nothing more. Fairly tired of assuming the minor responsibilities of my neighbors in this little world in motion, I looked into the distant horizon where the blue Cordilleras merged into the blue of the sky. There rested my thoughts upon the billowing silver and grey of the clouds, lightly remarking upon their being a Arial to us, although they may not know it.We each would mind our own business and suffer in silence for the littlest mistakes of others; laughing at their ways if we happened to be in a position to suspend our emotion and view the whole scene as a god would; or, we could weep for other men if we are the mood to shed copious tears over the whole tragic aspect of a world thrown out of joint. It is strange how human sympathy operates. We assume an attitude of complete indifference to utter strangers whom we have seen but not met. We claim that they are the hardest to fall in love with in the normal exercise of Christian charity.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Luxury Goods in India Essay
Luxury goods in India is still at a nascent stage of development. High net worth individuals such as businessmen, senior government officials, celebrities and top management in corporations are key potential customers for luxury goods. As consumers’ awareness about global luxury brands increases, they use such products to differentiate themselves from others. The high net worth individuals frequently buy luxury goods for personal as well as gifting requirements and global luxury brand operators†¦ Luxury Goods in India report offers a comprehensive guide to the size and shape of the Luxury Goods market at a national level. It provides the latest retail sales data, allowing you to identify the sectors driving growth. It identifies the leading companies, the leading brands and offers strategic analysis of key factors influencing the market and their effects on Luxury Goods retailing along with the development of consumers’ shopping patterns. Forecasts to 2018 illustrate how the market is set to change Product coverage: Designer Apparel (Ready-to-Wear), Fine Wines/Champagne and Spirits, Luxury Accessories, Luxury Cigars, Luxury Electronic Gadgets, Luxury Jewellery and Timepieces, Luxury Travel Goods, Luxury Writing Instruments and Stationery, Super Premium Beauty and Personal Care. Data coverage: market sizes (historic and forecasts), company shares, brand shares and distribution data. Why buy this report? * Get a detailed picture of the Luxury Goods market; * Pinpoint growth sectors and identify factors driving change; * Understand the competitive environment, the market’s major players and leading brands; * Use five-year forecasts to assess how the market is predicted to develop. Table of Content: Executive Summary High Net Worth Individuals Represent Growing Potential Customer Base Expansion Is the Key Success for Players Luxury Infrastructure Still A Constraint Internet Retailing Emerges As A Sales Channel Luxury Goods Restricted To Major Cities of India Key Trends and Developments Rising Infrastructure and Operational Costs Restrict the Growth of Luxury Outlets For more information kindly visit: http://www. marketreportsonindia. com/consumer-goods-market-research-reports-2944/luxury-goods-in-india. html About MarketReportsonIndia. Market Report on India is a portal where you can access thousands of reports on India starting from Aeronautics to Zinc (A-Z). We provide you with reports which will help you gain a better understanding of the Sectors, Companies, New Products and Latest trends. Contact Us Market Reports on India Contact No: India: +91. 22. 27810772, 27810773 Toll Free US: 1-866-279-8368 Email: info@marketreportsonindia. com Website: http://www. marketreportsonindia. com Twitter: https://twitter. com/ReportsonIandia.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
As a consequence of the recent recession, firms will concentrate on Essay
As a consequence of the recent recession, firms will concentrate on reducing their costs. Therefore the emphasis put on Corporate Social Responsibility is doomed to end. Discuss - Essay Example Many imaginative business corporations went a step ahead. They integrated CSR initiatives as part of the total business strategies which produced sterling results, and created enormous goodwill for the products of the company. The range of loyal clientele gradually widened. Business leaders thus got an opportunity to learn how to align business goals with social and cultural goals. But suddenly the business world found itself engulfed in recession. It came like the avalanche and the organizations were not ready to face this serious eventuality. The wise saying goes, â€Å"When the Going gets Tough, the Tough get Going!(Ocean,1985) This is the testing time for the grit and heroism of the Corporate Sector. Toby Radcliffe comments upon the issue thus: â€Å"Global recession, embedded in the financial sector, is creating an environment of cost-cutting and streamlining. For leading international saving and wealth management groups, the current economy has produced a particularly challenging environment in which to operate. It has also produced a challenge for sustainability.†When a child is sick, one tends to take care of it more. Ethically speaking, corporate social responsibility is an important part of the business establishment, during recession. The case for CSR is the truest, even when the economy is passing through a period of crisis. To prioritize business in the face of recession, is a prudent function. That approach is just; no questions about it. To think of pruning the CSR budget while things are comfortable, is harmful from the long-term perspective of the growth of an organisation. Funds earmarked for CSR, in addition to direct donations to Non-Governmental and philanthropic organisations, are linked to HR and training programmes, experimental and innovation budgets, promotional and marketing budgets, research and other non-core activities. The management thinks of the cuts in these areas first. But it is again
Friday, September 27, 2019
Influence of Oil Price on Non-Oil Sector Stocks in Saudi Arabia Research Paper
Influence of Oil Price on Non-Oil Sector Stocks in Saudi Arabia - Research Paper Example The intention of this study is oil as one of the most important economic resources in world’s economy today. Fluctuations and shocks in oil prices have been studied intensively by many leading economists and several theories in economics point to the impact of oil price changes in world economies. The context of oil is even more important in the Saudi Arabian economy as it is has one of the biggest reserves of oil (one-fifth of world’s total) and is the second largest producer (behind Russia) of oil in the world. Saudi Arabia has proven oil reserves of 264.52 billion barrels of oil and was only recently surpassed by Venezuela who claimed their oil reserves had risen to 269.5 billion barrels of oil. In terms of oil production, Saudi Arabia has a quota allocation of just over 30% of production among Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) countries. The Saudi Arabian oil production in 2010 was 9.1 million barrels per day which accounted for 13% of worldâ €™s total oil production. Oil is also a major driver of economic activity in Saudi Arabia. Oil related activities accounted for 47% of the GDP in 2010, and petroleum products exports amounted to $193 billion and accounted for 84% (by value) of total exports in Saudi Arabia. Therefore, oil prices play an important role in the Saudi Arabian economy. However, from the perspective of an investor or an enterprise in Saudi Arabian market, it is also important to know whether oil prices have a major role to play in stock prices of non-oil sector companies too. If there is a high positive correlation between oil prices and non-oil sector stocks, an investor can used these stocks a hedge on their investments in oil. The outcome of this study could therefore be very useful for investors and enterprises already present or planning to enter the Saudi Arabian market. II. Literature Review Stock markets are largely dependent on economic activity in the country. In Saudi Arabia, as oil is a major component of the economy, stocks in Saudi Arabia are expected to indirectly depend largely on oil price movements. The influence of oil is however not limited to Saudi Arabia or other OPEC countries alone. Oil supply and price shocks have been a field of study for many economists globally. Therefore, a lot of research has been previously done on understanding the effect of oil prices on stocks. Where some studies have focussed on impact of oil price shocks on the stock market others have focussed on the general impact of oil prices on stocks. Most of thes e studies are focussed on the US market and there are only a few studies look into this aspect in Saudi Arabia. Because detailed study of oil shocks is out of scope of the current research, the literature review will focus only on studies that have been done on regular influence of oil prices on stock markets. Several studies have been done to understand the impact of oil prices on stock markets. Some of the notable ones among these are Sauter & Awerbuch (2003), Sari and Soytas (2006),
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Organisations and behaviour Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Organisations and behaviour - Assignment Example The paper tells that one of the earliest structures used in organisations is the functional method. In this type, the organisation is divided into sectors or departments; each department has a particular specialism or function. The advantage for this type of structure is that the organisation can achieve effectiveness and success in pursuing its goals with the different departments having their separate functions. These departments or sections can enhance their expertise, while the workers are specialists in their own field.Another important advantage is that there is no duplication of functions. For example, in a car manufacturing plant like that of Toyota, they have different field of specialisation for each department – one works for engine specialisation, another group works for the other components, while another section works on the assembly of the Toyota car. There are disadvantages to this type of structure. The departments can have a narrow specialisation that may hin der the workers’ knowledge of their organisation. Another disadvantage that must be quickly looked into is the possible existence of an inter-departmental rivalry. The key is for the organisation to determine if the rivalry can result into good intentions or attain success for the organisation. There can be slow lines of communication on this type of structure, but a modification can remedy the situation. Information Technology can provide the answer. Toyota Motors Structure: Functional and Geographic Approaches Toyota Motors with its many branches worldwide has carried the traditional method up to this day although there may be some modifications. This company brings up to this day a family tradition of car making and traditional business. It uses the functional structure in the sense that the company is divided into departments, each with its own function and specialty. But it also uses the geographical approach considering that it is now a large organisation. Toyota is our choice organisation because it is a successful international firm that provides independence to its subsidiaries abroad. Its operation uses the geographical based approach while each independent subsidiary has a functional structure. The subsidiaries attain some kind of autonomy but also reports to the main headquarters in Japan. The United States branch of Toyota is under an independent management that allows quick responses whenever local branches and shops need help to solve local problems. It also allows tailoring of operations depending on local culture, such as language, customs, and laws and regulations. (Toyota, 2011) Toyota has been on the forefront of car making because of an effective strategic and operational management coupled with an efficient and competitive workforce. Their strategies involve innovations in production, marketing, sales and promotions, and branding. But to top it all, it has been able to handle knowledge management like it is a part of ordinary business. These strategies are applied to every branch despite their individual independence. In the 1950s Toyota was only a small company, averaging 18,000 vehicles per year. As years passed on, management perfected the so-called Toyota Production System – this is the Japanese way, a means of achieving mass production efficiencies with small volumes. Toyota expanded to become export-oriented and began to open
Diversity's impact on Society Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Diversity's impact on Society - Term Paper Example This implies the different composition that makes up society. That is the cultural, ethnic, racial, and religious differences. However, in the U.S. context, the term diversity will be used to mean the racial and ethnic composition that makes up the country. This paper will describe the diversity and inclusion concepts in the context of U.S. and global society and culture. The paper will mainly focus on African-Americans and the Spanish-Americans in terms of their cultural diversity. It will also discuss how the two diverse cultures and the events contributed to the US society and culture by describing their origins and contribution to the development of the U.S, and how the events that they experienced led to their inclusion into the US society by 1870s (Graen, 2003). The world is a diverse society made of different cultures, ethnic, religious, racial and languages. This is eminent in all parts of the world be it Africa, Asia, America or Europe. The diversity exists mainly due to the different characteristics, beliefs, and religious affiliations. For instance, Muslims poses certain beliefs that are very different from those of their Christian counterparts. Different people are also different in their own way due to their ethnic and cultural background, while in some societies, diversity exists because of racial difference ((Essed, 1996). The U.S. is one country that is highly rich in diverse cultures. It is imperative to state that diversity in the context of the U.S. mainly refers to the racial and ethnic diversity. The U.S. Census Bureau statistics for 2000 reveals that the population of ethnic and minority cultures in the U.S. accounted for over 30% of the U.S. population (Graen, 2003). This translates to more than 100 million diverse racial and ethnic groups. Richard Rodriquez attributes this high number to the high rate of immigration, which began a long time ago
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Ford Pinto Product Liability Case Research Paper - 1
Ford Pinto Product Liability Case - Research Paper Example This was after the Ford Pinto car model by the Ford Company was involved in the death and serious injury of two persons in Indiana State. Consequently, this paper undertakes a review of the product liability that was held against Ford Motor Company. In 1970s, Ford Motor Company introduced a new car model on the market to compete against the Japanese and German imported vehicles that were on a rising popularity in the market. The new car model was known as the Ford Pinto which designed as a viable substitute to the fuel efficient and regularly smaller imported cars in the American market (Leggett, 1999). Indeed, the new model was able to sell over three million units throughout its production period. Unfortunately, the growing demand of Ford Pinto car model was hit hard due to an accident that happened on 1972 May. On this day, Lily Gray and a thirteen years old boy Richard Grimshaw were travelling in a Ford Pinto car when they were hit from the back by another car that was at a speed of 30miles per hour. Unfortunately, the impact caused an ignition of fire that killed Lily and caused serious burns on Richard. Consequently, a legal case was brought before the trial court by the Grimshaw family popularly known as Grimshaw vs. Ford Motor Company civil case to seek for compensation of the death and injuries suffered by Lily and Richard respectively (Leggett, 1999). The California law court found the defendant guilty of the death and injuries suffered by the victims. Thus, the defendant was instructed to award $560,000 and $2.5 million to Gray family and Grimshaw respectively. Furthermore, the court ordered the defendant to pay $125 million for punitive damages. This was arrived at after the court was informed of the design failure of the organization in manufacturing the car. The fuel tank of the Ford Pinto car had the weakness of exploding if it was
Monday, September 23, 2019
Legislative Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Legislative Analysis - Essay Example 2454, The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, which establishes a federal cap-and-trade program to reduce GHG emissions (Key Provisions for Climate Legislation). GHG Emission the United States of America produces and emits a significant portion of GHG and helps developing Global warming throughout the world. It is estimated that of the total energy use Homes account for about 35% of the potential efficiency gains while the industrial sector accounts for 40% and the commercial sector 25%. Of the total emission of GHG in USA, California emits a robust figure of GHG. California produces roughly 1.4 percent of the world's and 6.2 percent of the total U.S., greenhouse gases (California Climate Change Portal). The state has been working on and finding solutions of impacts towards people due to climate since 1988. The executive order of 2005 issued by Arnold Schwarzenegger on climate change kicked into high gear to further advance clean renewable energy and other solutions to lower our state's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Again, most importantly, the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 established the first-in-the-world comprehensive program of regulatory and market mechanisms to achieve real, quantifiable, cost-effective reductions of GHG. Provision has also been framed to prevent the unscrupulous trend of the polluters. To this end, the Act reveals that Polluters would balance out some of their emissions by purchasing carbon "offsets," which are official certificates that greenhouse gas emissions have been avoided or taken out of the air The provision of setting up a New Clean Energy Deployment Administration is certainly a wise decision to monitor and improve the overall situation. Recommendations and Concluding Remarks The biggest opportunity to improve US energy situation is a major investment program to make homes and businesses more efficient. An investment of $520 billion in improvements like sealing products and replacing inefficient appliances could produce $1.2 trillion in savings on energy bills by 2020(Galbraith, 2009). If such a program can be carried out over the next decade, the country could save around 23 % of total energy use. However, to improve the existing situation further notice on the Act and undertaking following actions are necessary. The Senator/ Government should rightly consider about the Act so that U.S. climate policy become successful in both reducing GHG emissions and addressing the cost concerns of consumers. Efforts should also be made so that framing necessary legislation is possible that reduces GHG emissions 80 percent below current emissions levels by 2050, while providing strong, effective consumer-protection measures to help reduce electricity price increases as we transition to a low-carbon future. Provisions should be made to allocate emissions allowancesto the electric power sector that will help toreduce price increases to all electricity customers-large and small, rural, urban, and suburban-without compromising environmental gains. Again, necessary steps should be undertaken to provide some allowances to that Merchant coal generators to help mitigate price increases in wholesale electricity markets. There is nothing denying that setting reasonable and
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Human resouces management is nothing more than personal management Essay
Human resouces management is nothing more than personal management with a new label, Critically evaluate this statement - Essay Example Consequently, the concept of labor power that was sold by human beings had to be effectively organized. Hence, owner of firms and organizations began adapting to the world of management through the use of personnel management that had the sole responsibility of hiring and firing employees. Actually, employees welfare demand grew by the day, the world of management grew simultaneously to the extent that the personnel management could not accommodate the increasing demand for employees’ welfare and as such, most organizations and firms began replacing personnel management (PM) with human resource management (HRM). Apparently, the term human resource management has been used across the world for approximately a century. According to Soni (2013) the emergence of Human resource management (HRM) is believed to have started in England in the early 18th century when the west was experiencing the apprenticeship and craftsmen era. Moreover, the emergence of HRM was also significantly associated with the arrival of the industrial revolution. As the 19th century begun, a philosopher by the name Taylor argued that it was necessary to combine scientific management and industrial workers psychology, and further introduce the two concepts in the business world. In light of this, the philosopher further articulated that it was imperative for workers to be managed not only for the purpose of making work to be efficient, but also ensuring that the workers were psychologically fit to hold the title of being employees. Similarly, the drastic changes that were being witnessed especially in technology, growth of various organizations and the rise of different unions greatly facilitated the development of personnel departments that were run by welfare secretaries soon after the beginning of the 19th Century. Importantly, the effective management of human resource in any organization is to ensure that competitive advantage is gained in the marketplace.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Cons of Playing Video Games Essay Example for Free
Cons of Playing Video Games Essay Video game is a series of 2D or 3D world created by author or editor to allow public experience by representing as a person or animal inside. In my humble opinion, playing video games have more cons than pros. My essay will tell you that playing video games have more cons because it wasting time, cause indulgence, side effect on body health and cause volatility. In the 21 century, video games not only available for boys, it is also already become part of the girl’s life style. Although most of the teenagers like to play video games, but playing video games is actually wasting our time. Commonly, video game is story style and continuously. So, we will need a lot of time to finish one chapter or complete a task. Regarding to that, our time to doing our homework or revision becomes less. Students may be scolded by teacher or being demerit for not completing their homework. Finally, the result of the students may be affected. Playing video games will also cause indulgence. The interesting story lines encourage people to indulge in video games. They usually play the video games until forget to eat, wash and rest. Some of them even play the video games until the whole day. This endangers one person life. Among these few month, there are report on teenager die in front of computer and the causes of death is due to play video games three days non-stop. The main reason is do not have enough rest. Besides that, playing video games for long term will also cause side effect or negative effect on body health. One of the effect is eating without follow the actual time. When playing video games, a person will always play until forget the time and miss out the lunch time and dinner time. Sitting in front of the computer for a long period of time without moving will also increase the risk of obesity and give burden to the spiral cord. Tiredness of eye and fingers are also caused by looking at the screen and typing for too long, At the other sides, video games also encourage teenager to involve in volatility. Many of the video games contain volatile issues like video games that involving fight and guns. If a person cannot control himself, he will slowly follows the attitude of the character inside and involves in volatile. Teenager probably will also unable to come back to reality world as the illusion world in video games are always perfect as it can be change according our favorable. In conclusion, playing video games have more cons than pros. Teenagers must not be besotted video games too much. In fact, they should spend their time on enjoying their teenager’s life.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Fmcg Sector Is Currently Economics Essay
The Fmcg Sector Is Currently Economics Essay India has a huge untapped market in the rural areas as well which accounts for more than 700 Million consumers i.e. 40 of the total FMCG market. This market provides a huge opportunity for the FMCG sector because of its large market space and low levels of organized player penetration. 7) The FMCG sector has a strong future and will continue to see growth because it depends heavily on an ever-increasing internal market for consumption, and demand for these goods is more or less inelastic irrespective of recession or inflation. Thus, this sector will grow, though it may not be a smooth growth path, due to the present world-wide economic slowdown, rising inflation and fall of the rupee. However, this sector will see strong growth in the long run. 8) Unlike the developed countries where the FMCG sector is dominated by only a few players Indias FMCG sector is highly fragmented with both Organized and unorganized players playing an important role. The governments proposal of allowing 51% FDI in multi brand retail may impact the future of the retail sector to some extent though the impact is expected to be highly positive. Threat of new entrants: Moderate -Low regulatory barriers -Intense competition requires heavy investments in brand building which discourages small players Threat of substitutes: High -Multiple brands positioned with narrow product differentiation -Companies trying to gain market share compete on pricing which increases product substitution Rivalry among competitors: High -Entry of MNCs into the country -Use of extremely aggressive marketing strategies Bargaining power of consumers: Low -High brand loyalty for some products, discourages product shifting -Low switching costs -Aggressive marketing induce customers to switch between products MICHAEL PORTERS 5 FORCE MODEL Bargaining power of supplier: Moderate -Prices are governed by International commodity markets, making FMCG cos price takers -Due to the long term relationships with suppliers etc., FMCG companies negotiate better rates during times of high input cost inflation The above graph is based on the analysis of the sales and profitability of approximately 100 listed FMCG companies across foreign MNCs and large and small Indian players. As can be seen from the graph the average CAGR of the FMCG sector rose from 8% (2001-05) to 17% (2006-10). There has been a drastic increase in the CAGR in the case of foreign MNCs which shows the variety of choices available to the consumers Economy Impact: Favorable economic factors like GDP growth coupled with a rise in incomes, increased participation of women in the workforce and the tapping of rural markets have led to a spurt in the growth rate of the FMCG sector in the past decade. The Indian economy is expected to overtake UK in the coming decade, with GDP growth ranging between 8-10 per cent. India is expected to reach Chinas current population figure of 1.4 billion by 2020. Per capita incomes supported by various government schemes and policies are expected to rise in both rural and urban areas (The UPA govt cash transfer scheme for the poor people, expectations of economic recovery bring with it the hope of increased salaries and more employment opportunities all of which will lead to increase in the per capita income of the country that will have a direct impact on the FMCG sector) Participation of women in the Indian workforce is also likely to rise. Estimates suggest that if it increases to approximately 70 percent (as in the developed nations), it will further boost GDP growth by 2-3 per cent. Favorable government policies such as the introduction of GST can be expected to substantially decrease supply chain costs. FDI in multi-brand retail up to 51% will open up a large channel for sales. Other policy measures such as lower income taxes, the Food Security Act, Right to Education, infrastructure schemes etc have also acted as enablers of higher consumption. Evolving Consumer Profile: India has a comparatively younger population compared to most other countries of the world, who have greater willingness to spend on better quality products which is expected to boost the consumption-driven economy. Young population (below age of 30 years) comprise 59 per cent population currently, and the composition is likely to remain similar over the next decade. Rural markets, given the current low penetration and high untapped potential are expected to bring about super-normal growth for FMCG companies. All these factors will combine to catapult consumer demand for FMCGs to newer heights. Interest rates and inflation and its impact on the FMCG sector: Given the current economic scenario and the average inflation rates at 9.09% in India (2012) it has a taken a toll on the FMCG sector. High prices have led to reduced consumption of FMCG goods leading to fall in demand which has led to lower sales for the companies and affected their profit margins. Also, as a result of inflation prices of raw materials have shot up leading to a spurt in the cost of production for companies which has again had a negative impact on the profit margins. The central banks decision of cut in interest rates has made it easier for the companies to borrow money in the capital markets to further their plans of expansion and diversification but it has not led to any major increase in consumer spending. Major players in the FMCG industry: 1) Foreign Players: Hindustan Unilever Ltd., ITC, Nestle, Reckitt Benckiser, Cadbury, Procter Gamble, Godfrey, Phillips, Henkel, Spic, Johnson Johnson, Revlon, PepsiCo 2) Indian Players: Marico, Dabur, Godrej, Wipro, Amul, Nirma, Britannia 3) Regional or small domestic players: Ajanta, Anchor, CavinKare etc SWOT Analysis of the FMCG sector: STRENGHTS: 1) Favourable government policies in terms of reduced level of taxes, fewer import restrictions on raw materials and technology and reduced barriers of entry of foreign players 2) Low operational costs as labour costs in India are very less 3) Existing and well established brands in the FMCG sector 4)Good supply chain and distribution networks in both urban and rural markets 5) FDI of 51% in multi brand retail will redefine the entire retail sector with new entrants, improvements in supply chain and distribution networks 6) Demand for FMCG products is mostly inelastic WEAKNESS: 1) Counterfeit products: This is a major problem that is hampering the growth of the FMCG industry. Counterfeit products account for an estimated 10-15% of the total size of the FMCG industry which resulted in a loss of INR 45 billion to the exchequer. 2) The scope of investing in technology is less and it is difficult for companies to achieve economies of scale particularly the small sector ones. OPPORTUNITY: 1) The rural Indian market presents a huge opportunity for the FMCG sector as still most of it is untapped and yet to be explored 2) Slow and steady rise in per capita income of the Indian population would lead to increase in demand for FMCG products 3) Burgeoning middle class with a lot of potential to spend large amounts of their income on FMCG products 4) India has a huge domestic market with close to 1 billion population 5) Tremendous export potential THREAT: 1) Increasing rate of inflation which is likely to raise the cost of raw materials thereby increasing cost of production and putting stress on overall industry profits 2) Rise in fuel prices may further lead to increase in distribution costs 3) Declining value of the rupee against other currencies of the world may further reduce margins as cost of importing raw materials will rise 4) Dipping industrial growth and slowing global economy may lead to fall in demand for FMCG products Future of the FMCG sector in India (2020) As per recent estimates the FMCG industry may grow at a base rate of at least 12 per cent annually to become INR 4000 billion industry in 2020. However, if the economic conditions turn out to be favourable and everything goes as expected the sector may even record a 17 per cent growth over the next decade, leading to an overall industry size of INR 6200 billion by 2020. This however depends solely on the future economic scenario. Modern trade is expected to grow very rapidly in the future with its share in total retail projected to reach 11 per cent by 2014 and 30 per cent by 2020 This growth will be supported by: -High economic growth: GDP is expected to grow at 8-10 per cent in the future, boosting growth in all sectors. Increasing incomes: Incomes are expected to continue to rise which should further drive spending. Increasing urbanization: Organized retail will continue to increase presence in Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities, which are growing faster than metros. -Improving infrastructure: The government is also focusing a lot on infrastructure development which is expected to improve the supply chain and distribution networks. Key to EDUCORPORATEBRIDGE investment rankings: BUY = Expected to outperform the local market by >10%; O-PF = Expected to outperform the local market by 0-10%; U-PF = Expected to underperform the local market by 0-10%; SELL = Expected to underperform the local market by >10%. Performance is defined as 12-month total return (including dividends). Â ©2011 EDUCORPORATEBRIDGE, India. Note: In the interests of timeliness, this document has not been edited. Other disclosures will come xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Theories in the Human Sciences and Natural Sciences Essay -- Scientifi
What it is about the theories of human sciences and natural sciences that make them so convincing? When focusing on the human sciences and natural sciences, one might wonder why we believe what we believe. In general, human science can be defined as a social science, or anything that deals with human behavior in its social and cultural aspects (Bastian 190). Natural science is more often thought of as "regular" science. It is an organized undertaking that focuses on gathering knowledge about the world and condensing that knowledge into scientific laws and theories that can be tested (Bastian 153). Theories in these two types of sciences are often convincing because of the observation that takes place, the empirical evidence, and the ability to put the theories and laws to the test. This knowledge by description, which is defined as public knowledge that is expressed as facts, as well as knowledge by acquaintance, knowledge from familiarity or experience, can also be contributing factors in why we believe what we believe (Bastian 18). However, there are some knowledge issu es, as well as counterclaims that may interfere with someone’s belief and perspective on a certain topic. Also, some of our ways of knowing can play a role in different interpretations of theories in these sciences. These aspects can help answer the topic question of what it is about the theories of human sciences and natural sciences that make them so convincing. In science, a theory is a tested and testable idea which is used to provide an explanation for an occurrence (Scientific Laws and Theories). Very similarly, a law can be defined as a set of observations that are expressed in an abridged statement (Scientific). An example of a law in nat... ..., whether that is through their own observations and interpretations or through empirical evidence that can be convincingly backed up by scientific data. Works Cited Bastian, Sue. Theory of Knowledge. IB Diploma ed. Pearson Education Limited, 2008. Print. Pearson Baccalaureate. "Convince Me: How Strong Is the Evidence?" Understanding Science. Web. 15 Jan. 2012. . "Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation." The Physics Classroom. Web. 10 Jan. 2012. . Schultheis, Erin. "Harry F. Harlow." Psychology History. May 1999. Web. 15 Feb. 2012. . "Scientific Laws and Theories." College of Science and Mathematics. Web. 12 Feb. 2012. .
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Death Penalty Essay -- essays research papers fc
Capital Punishment      Murder is the unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice. This country believes killings someone under certain circumstances is acceptable; this should not be the case. Capital punishment, the death penalty, is the maximum sentence used in punishing people who kill another human being. It is one of the most controversial topics in America today. Capital punishment is still murder, simple as that. The death penalty needs to be abolished in all states. There are too many flaws that come with this punishment. Innocent people can be executed, it is morally wrong, and it does not discourage, or deter crime.      From 1976 to the present, data from The Death Penalty states one hundred and nineteen death row inmates have been found innocent and set free prior to their execution. Also, at least twenty-three people have been executed who did not commit the crime they were accused of. The average number of years between being sentenced and exoneration is 9.2 years. Paying back someone nine years of their life is impossible; let alone telling someone that is already dead, they are innocent and free to go. These numbers are way too high; errors like this should be caught right away. Wasting years of a mans life, or ending it all together is not what America should stand for. Without the death penalty, an innocent man will at least be able to pick up where he left off, and not be wrongfully executed. Mistakes like these do not need to be made. Another big issue with killing an innocent person is the case remains closed forever. If a case is closed the police will not have reason to look for the real killer. When an innocent person is executed, the real killer is still on the streets, ready to kill someone else. Innocence goes both ways. Innocent murder victims and wrongfully convicted people that are sentenced to death are in the same boat. Both of them had their lives stripped from them when they shouldn’t have. Murdering an innocent person is like executing the wrong person. There is no full proof way of making sure innocent people are not put on death row. Therefore there is no reason for the death penalty, in any state.      Any person of any religion can see that the death penalty is morally wrong. There aren’t any religions that pr... ...ot be allowed. Capital punishment is a power that no man or woman deserves to make for another human being. This is taking away the peoples right to live. Capital punishment has no place in today's society. There are too many bad things that can come from the death penalty. Perfectly innocent people can be put on death row, or even executed. It is immoral on so many levels. Also it has never been proven to deter crime. Therefore capital punishment, the death penalty, should be abolished in all states. Innocent or wrongfully convicted people will be able to benefit from this, and stand another chance without the death penalty. Also there is a great chance there will be a decrease in murder rates. Bibliography Works Cited Arguments For & Against the Death Penalty. Death Penalty Curricula for High School. 13 April 2005 . Dieter, Richard. Facts about Deterrence and the Death Penalty. Death Penalty      Information Center. 12 April 2005 . Mitchell, Hayley, ed. The Death Penalty. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc., 2001. Wekesser, Carol, ed. The Death Penalty: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven      Press, Inc., 1991.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Financing the Purchase of a Website - The Small Business Administration (SBA) :: Sell Websites Buy Websites
Financing the Purchase of a Website - The Small Business Administration (SBA) Reprinted with permission of One of the Small Business Administration's primary objectives is to help small businesses obtain financing. Although the SBA itself does not make direct loans, it has set up a number of loan programs to assist small businesses. In connection with most of these programs, the SBA provides guarantees to the private sector lenders who actually make the loans. With this guaranty in place, these lenders will generally make loans for the purchase of websites that they would not otherwise make. The discussion below focuses on those programs that are most commonly used by buyers in connection with financing the purchase of a website. Section 7(a) Program The Section 7(a) Loan Guaranty Program is one of the SBA's most important and widely used lending programs. Loans may be used for a wide variety of business purposes, including the purchase of websites and most other types of assets. Although in most cases, there is no limit on the size of the loan which can be requested from the lender, there is a limit on the amount of the loan that the SBA will guaranty. Generally the SBA will guaranty up to $1,000,000 and 75% (85% for loans under $150,000) of the loan. Thus, a $1,333,333 loan would be the largest fully guaranteed SBA loan under the Section 7(a) program. Eligibility for this type of loan guaranty is dependent on a number of factors. The website must be operated for profit, do business in the , and have a reasonable amount of equity invested by the owner. Note that all owners of 20% or more of the website must personally guaranty the loan. The size of the website must also be below certain size limits established by the SBA. These size limits vary by industry. Additional considerations include the website 's cash flow, and the owner's character, management capability, and equity contribution. Other details include: Loan Maturities - Term is based on the ability to repay, the loan purpose, and the useful life of the website. The maximum maturities are (i) the shorter of 25 years or the useful life for most hard assets and (ii) 7 years for working capital. Principal Repayments - Loan principal is structured to amortize over the period of the loan. Thus there is no "balloon" balance owing on the loan's maturity date. Interest Rates - Interest rates can be either fixed or floating, and are negotiated between the borrower and the lender. Financing the Purchase of a Website - The Small Business Administration (SBA) :: Sell Websites Buy Websites Financing the Purchase of a Website - The Small Business Administration (SBA) Reprinted with permission of One of the Small Business Administration's primary objectives is to help small businesses obtain financing. Although the SBA itself does not make direct loans, it has set up a number of loan programs to assist small businesses. In connection with most of these programs, the SBA provides guarantees to the private sector lenders who actually make the loans. With this guaranty in place, these lenders will generally make loans for the purchase of websites that they would not otherwise make. The discussion below focuses on those programs that are most commonly used by buyers in connection with financing the purchase of a website. Section 7(a) Program The Section 7(a) Loan Guaranty Program is one of the SBA's most important and widely used lending programs. Loans may be used for a wide variety of business purposes, including the purchase of websites and most other types of assets. Although in most cases, there is no limit on the size of the loan which can be requested from the lender, there is a limit on the amount of the loan that the SBA will guaranty. Generally the SBA will guaranty up to $1,000,000 and 75% (85% for loans under $150,000) of the loan. Thus, a $1,333,333 loan would be the largest fully guaranteed SBA loan under the Section 7(a) program. Eligibility for this type of loan guaranty is dependent on a number of factors. The website must be operated for profit, do business in the , and have a reasonable amount of equity invested by the owner. Note that all owners of 20% or more of the website must personally guaranty the loan. The size of the website must also be below certain size limits established by the SBA. These size limits vary by industry. Additional considerations include the website 's cash flow, and the owner's character, management capability, and equity contribution. Other details include: Loan Maturities - Term is based on the ability to repay, the loan purpose, and the useful life of the website. The maximum maturities are (i) the shorter of 25 years or the useful life for most hard assets and (ii) 7 years for working capital. Principal Repayments - Loan principal is structured to amortize over the period of the loan. Thus there is no "balloon" balance owing on the loan's maturity date. Interest Rates - Interest rates can be either fixed or floating, and are negotiated between the borrower and the lender.
The Effects of Cramming for an Examination
The effects of cramming for an examination You are a student, have you ever heard someone to complain: â€Å"oh my god, I have only one day to review for the final test? †In the fact, they knew schedule exams from a month ago, but, they don’t care it until the last day before an exam. The real only solution is to cram. Some students even seem to prefer it because it challenges them and give them more time to go out with your friends on the weekend.In contrast, cramming has many bad effects as: exhaustion, knowledge overload and bad result. Firstly, cramming is a reason make you exhausted. By cramming, you’re trying to learn everything you can in the limited time you have to study. So, to do that you must awake through at night to learn, after you could be sleep deprivation. Thus, it can make you feel asleep, tired and loss of appetite in the day after. Cramming can leave you feeling down and worn out in the end.Secondly, cramming make us knowledge overload. Many students believed in the last day, before do the test they can learn by heart all knowledge. However, the brain is a sponge, but just like any sponge oversaturated very fast. A brain filled to the brim with knowledge will seep out the knowledge instead of retaining it. Therefore, you should add this information more slowly, over time; you may find yourself more capable of absorbing a larger knowledge. Thirdly, a big consequence of cramming is bad result.Sleep deprivation can cause poor memory, lack of alertness and overload knowledge, often leading to lower test grades. However, when you study for an examination with an intense cram session, at first you might assume that you will pass. But, the low mark will come as a surprise to you and your grade point average. If you do not study for a test, you probably will expect that you are going to fail or at least not do so well. Remember that: â€Å"Cramming is not the best way to get the score you seek†.Conclusion, though crammi ng has been a studying practice for generations; it is actually a bad method to review and many negative effects. These include: exhaustion, overload knowledge and bad result. Because above all that reasons, before waiting until the last minute to study for your next big exam, you should study hard at this moment and think about its consequences. Moreover, don’t waste your time to do useless things but you must manage time better in the future to improve themselves not only in school, but also in your life. /.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Anatomy and Physiology Ch. 1 Study Guide Essay
Anatomy – the study of the form or structure and arrangement of body parts and their relationships Physiology – the study of the functions of the body parts or structures and their relationships in maintaining life processes. Levels of Structural Organization The human body consists of levels of structural organization that are associated with one another. There are six levels of structural organization: I. chemical level – It is the simplest level and it includes all of the chemical substances essential for maintaining life. These substances are made up of atoms. An atom is the smallest unit of matter. Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass. Atoms combine to form molecules, which may be simple or complex. Different types of molecules combine to form or~anelles (â€Å"little organs†). Organelles are specific structures that carry out specific functions. 2. cellular level – The cell is the basic unit of structure and function and of life. Cells vary in size, shape, and function and may contain many types of organelles. 3. tissue level – Tissues are groups of similar cells that perform a specific function. There are four major types of tissues in the human body: a. epithelial tissue – It is found lining body cavities and covers the surface of the body. It functions in protection, secretion, and excretion. b. connective tissue – It is found on the surfaces of and in organs and tissues and functions in protection, support, and attaching organs and tissues to each other and to the walls of body cavities. c. muscle tissue – It functions in the movement of body parts and organs, and in the movement of substances throughout the body. There are three major types of muscle tissue: (1) skeletal muscle – It is found attached to and covering bones and it functions in body movement. (2) cardiac muscle – It is located in the heart wall and functions in the contraction and relaxation of the heart as it beats. (3) smooth muscle – It is located in the walls of internal or visceral organs and it functions in moving substances throughout the body. d. nervous tissue It is located in the brain and spinal cord, and extends to various tissues and organs. It functions in transmitting electrical or nerve impulses from the external and internal environments to the brain and spinal cord where it is interpreted and a response occurs. 4. organ level – Organs are groups of two or more types of tissue working together to perform a specific function. 5. organ system level – ~ sTstems are groups of organs that work closely together to perform a common function. There are eleven organ systems in the human body: ao g. h. i. j. k. integumentary system muscular system skeletal system nervous system endocrine system cardiovascular system lymphatic system respiratory system digestive system urinary system reproductive system 6. organismal level – It is the highest level of structural organization and it consists of groups of organ systems working together to maintain body structure and function. Organ systems work together to maintain an internal environment that is fairly constant, stable, or balanced. This is referred to as homeostasis (â€Å"to stay the same†). Changes do occur, but within very narrow ranges or limits. Homeostasis Body parts or structures function efficiently in maintaining metabolic processes and when the survival needs are within certain limits or optimum levels. The survival needs include: water, oxyqen, nutrients, an appropriate bod~ temperature, and atmospheric pressure. Water is necessary for chemical reactions, excretion, and secretion. Oxyqen is required for many of the metabolic reactions that break down nutrients and provide energy. Nutrients provide energy for cells and cell processes. Bod~ temperature must be maintained within a certain range for chemical reactions and cell processes to perform efficiently. If the body temperature falls too low or increases too high, chemical reactions will slow down or may stop. Atmospheric pressure is the force of air on the body surface by the weight of air. It is important in breathing and in the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs. To maintain homeostasis there are control mechanisms. Control mechanisms consist of three parts: i. receptor – It responds to sensory stimuli from the internal and external environments. The information is sent along afferent pathways to the control center. 2. control center – It consists of the brain and spinal cord which interpret and analyze the information and determine an appropriate response. Information is then sent along efferent pathways to the effector. 3. effector – It consists of tissues, organs, or glands that perform a motor response to the original stimulus that was received by the receptor. The response involves a feedback mechanism. If the response slows down or inhibit~ the stimulus it is a neqative feedback mechanism. If the response speeds up or enhances the stimulus, it is a positive feedback mechanism. Most control mechanisms for homeostasis in the human body are negative feedback mechanisms.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Abnormal Psychology: Abuse, Addiction, & Disorders
Psychological Disorder Analysis ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY: ABUSE, ADDICTION, & DISORDERS Psy 270 Jalisa Cooper February 4, 2012 Final paper Psychological Disorder Analysis Psychological disorders can be very debilitating for those who suffer from them. Psychological disorders affect a person’s ability to function normally in their daily lives. In regards to the case study of Nicole the patient Nicole is a 40-year-old Hispanic female who comes to the mental health clinical complaining of trouble sleeping, feeling â€Å"jumpy†all of the time, and experiencing an inability to concentrate.These symptoms are causing problems for her at work, where she is a finance manager. Though the information in regards to Nicole is very limited and difficult to analyze, however the symptoms suggest that Nicole may be suffering from Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. Post-traumatic stress disorder can be difficult to diagnose and the symptoms are often unrecognizable. Posttraumatic stress disorde r is an anxiety disorder which can develop from having experienced a terrifying event or ordeal in which grave physical harm occurred or was threatened.Like many anxiety disorder they may cause jumpy and sleepless behavior depending on the anxiety disorder the individual may have. Traumatic disorders can be triggered by stress or any other event that may cause the individual to develop anxiety related symptoms. A traumatic event might be military combat experience, violent personal attacks, or even car accidents. Post-traumatic disorders can be triggered by something in their past that be generated from something major or insignificant.While Nicole’s profile within the case study does not state the existence of a traumatic event throughout her past or present life, however I can only assume that she many have experienced something in her past that may have been triggered by stress at work or another aspect in her life. It is common for the individual to withhold this informat ion as it may be extremely difficult for them to relive the event because it may be too traumatic.Victims that may have experienced an event such as rape or car accident resulting in death or severe injuries may not experience symptoms at the moment of the event however they may develop symptoms shortly or later after the event once it is triggered by stress or other traumatic events. Being that the case study did not present a in depth history on Nicole I would attempt to gather information form the patient such as â€Å"Have you experienced a traumatic event recently or in your past? †This would be to gather information about the patient to that I can pin point the origin of what is causing her symptoms.The case study regarding Nicole mentions that she is a 40-year old woman that is suffering from a great deal of symptoms. According to the Demographics of â€Å"Faces of Abnormal Psychology Interactive: for Post-traumatic stress disorder†, middle age adults are more adversely affected than older and younger adults. In addition she is a Hispanic woman meaning for whatever disorder it is important to take into consideration her culture in treating her conditions. The DSM-IV states one of the criteria of Post-traumatic stress disorder is increased levels of arousal including insomnia, irritability, and hyper vigilance. People with these disorders may feel overly alert, be easily startled, develop sleep problems, and have trouble concentrating†(Comer, 2005). When suffering from PTSD and individual may begin to display symptoms of avoidance of any stimuli that is in anyway related or associated with the traumatic event. These methods many even include avoidance of thoughts, feelings and activities associated with are resemble the event. As stated in the case study Nicole mentioned that she is having complications with getting to sleep or in general getting the significant amount of sleep needed to maintain her energy level throughout the day. Through her lack of sleep she is experiencing difficulty concentrating at her work facility, where her position requires a focused mind and attentiveness. She also experiences the feeling of being jumpy frequently throughout the day which relates to being easily startled or paranoid due to a past experience in relation to her current stress levels. She may have experienced something in her past that is being stimulated by her events she participate in during the day causing her to flash back to that moment and relive this event.It is common for individuals that suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder to experience a sequence of involuntary flashbacks through thoughts and even dreams, which may also be an additional reason for Nicole’s lack of rest during the night. She may be involuntarily reliving her traumatic experience due to stress in her life preventing her to obtain the proper rest that she needs to function at work. The case study failed to explain her social life and the relationships she may have with others thus it does explain her detachment to her work assignments and her lack of focus to stay on task.Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms reflect emotional detachment from friends and family causing them to be unable to express loving feelings for them. Post- traumatic stress disorder individuals become hyper-vigilant which could cause them to become chronically un-alert to the things and events around them rendering them unresponsive. Which is another symptom that Nicole the case study patient displays throughout her explanation of her working abilities, she displays a lack of concentration to the tasks at hand and jumpy feeling all the time.Those that suffer from this disorder may often become startled easily and suffer from difficulty of sleeplessness. Those individuals with PTSD often develop other disorder such as depression; substance related disorders as well as anxiety disorders. Meaning those that suffer from severe Post-trauma tic stress disorders may often result to substance abuse and may of their symptoms may be influenced by the usage of these substances causing their condition to seem more extreme.As well as depression and anxiety disorders can in addition contribute to the symptoms PTSD raising the impact of each symptom to a higher level depending on the severity of each disorder. Many times individuals are misdiagnosed because of the commonality of symptoms between disorders. Studies have shown that 60% of adult men today have experience a traumatic even, whereas 51% of adult women have experience a traumatic event at least once in their life. It is common for many individuals that experience traumatic events sometime throughout their life to not be affected by these events.Of 50% of American that experience a traumatic event of any kind, only approximately 8% of them eventually experience Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms later in life. It is suggested that each event is different in their own way as well as has different impacts on each individual. There are factors that predict ones vulnerability of Post-traumatic stress disorder which would revolve around the nature of the event the individual experienced. The DSM-IV states the severity of the traumatic event in one of the leading factors that help predict whether an individual may be susceptible to later suffer from Post-traumatic stress disorder.The severe traumatic events that are more likely to induce PTSD are the events that are prolonged traumas that often affect ones family or self directly. Secondly the more likely trauma suffer that was experiencing pre-existing anxiety symptoms long before the severe traumatic event occurred is more likely to later develop Post- traumatic stress disorder symptoms. This is because the individual has already reached a point in their life that cause them to become worrisome making them unable to handle the pressures of a traumatic event of severe magnitude without having and episodes.These individuals are unstable to cope with whatever change this event has brought on causing them to develop additional anxiety disorders. Those individuals that have a history of mental illness are way more likely to experience PTSD symptoms. Third the individuals coping techniques play a large role in ones predictability of developing symptoms of PTSD. Traumatic events can take a toll on anyone and any magnitude of the event however ones predictability of developing PTSD is based on ones ability to cope with the tragic event.The individuals that lack the ability to move past the event often fall victim to this disorder. Those that dwell on the details of the event are at higher risk as well as those who refuse to discuss the events at all cost. Some events such as witness to death, accidents resulting in death and disastrous events could cause one to reframe communicating and expressing their feelings about the events. By reframing from acknowledging such event has occu rred I could cause a mental break. Finally support is an important factor when it comes to dealing with traumatic events much like any other disorder.Those that have a lack of support from friends, family, counseling or event therapy tend to be more susceptible to the developing the symptoms of PTSD. The lack of a support network is does not allow the individual to express their problems to someone that can understand or relate. And sufferer of a post-traumatic event needs to be able to reflect and vent some other emotions to someone close. They have to be a be to feel the support and encouragement of loved ones to keep them motivated to work through whatever they are experiencing.There have been a set of therapies to design to address this disorder to properly treat the symptoms. The three primary goals in theory are reducing the individual’s fear of provoking stimuli. This means that therapy will assist the individual in reducing the fear or unwillingness to address and con front activities and thoughts that trigger the traumatic event. Secondly, assisting the patient in modifying counterproductive thoughts, and lastly reducing stress are method used in therapy to assist the patient progress pass this event.The method of be reducing the individual’s fear of provoking stimuli are done through systematic desensitization, which is when an individual unlearns their fear thus reversing the classical conditioning process and eliminating the cause of them requiring the fear initially. The first phase is relaxation training of each muscle in the body while allowing the patient to then trained to calm themselves. The second phase is list of fear provoking stimuli descending from least threating and uncomfortable to more threating fears.The third phase us the desensitization phase where the patient is slightly provoke to introduce those thoughts or stimuli while remaining calm. It is often done through imagined stimuli and then they may introduce actual s timuli to the patient. In addition to this method therapist may use cognitive techniques which challenge ones irrational beliefs and unhealthy thoughts. Reference Comer, R. J. (2005). Fundamentals of abnormal psychology (4th ed. ). New York: Worth. Fundamentals of Abnormal PsychologyFaces of Abnormal Psychology Interactive application at the McGraw Hill Higher Education Web site: http://www. mhhe. com/socscience/psychology/faces/http://www. mhhe. com/socscience/psychology/faces/# Melinda Smith, M. A. , and Jeanne Segal, Ph. D. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): SYMPTOMS, TREATMENT, AND SELF-HELP, (2011), Retrieved February 4, 2012, http://www. helpguide. org/mental/post_traumatic_stress_disorder_symptoms_treatment. htm Resources: Appendix A, Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology, and the Faces of Abnormal Psychology Interactive application at the McGraw Hill Higher Education Web
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Reconstitution and Dissolution of a partnership Essay
ABSTRACT: The paper aims to study using secondary research resources. That what are concepts of Partnership reconstitution and dissolution according to the partnership act 1932. Under what circumstances a partnership firm is entitled to these two concepts respectively, what are the rights, duties and liabilities of each of the partners involved under each case. And according to what modes can the accounts be settled among the partners upon the winding up of the business. INTRODUCTION â€Å"Partnership is the relation between persons who have agreed to share the profits of a business carried on by all or any one of them acting for all (THE PARTNERSHIP ACT 1932) Partnership’ does not mean a body or association; it means a relationship between separate component persons. This is the kind of relationship that has to be followed for the betterment of business that they are jointly carrying out to full fill common interest of gaining profits from the business. There are three elements necessary for existence of a partnership: 1. the carrying on of a business.2. The business must be carried on in common. 3. The business must be carried on with a view to gain profits. (NICHOLSON, 2011). ESSENTIALS OF PARTNERSHIP All individuals share the risks and rewards of the business. Each partner is entitled to share the net profits of the business. Partners are jointly and severally responsible for all the debts and obligations of the business without any limit, including loss and damages Partners have equal rights to make decisions. All individuals share the ownership of the assets of the business. (TAYLOR, 2011) These all have to follow for a legal partnership to be present. In any one of them is missing than there will no partnership. HISTORY OF PARTNERSHIP Partnership law is as old as commerce itself. Thought started since 15th century when merchants from the Italian cities were brought to northern Europe the foundations of law. In 16th century ‘Italian Law Merchant was made for a business to be carried out. Firstly there were two principal forms of partnership. The first was the Commenda, whereby an investor, the Commendator, evaded the usury laws by putting money into a business in return for a share in the profit gained by the business carried out, but was liable for no more than his investment that he initially invested. It is also known as limited partnership. The other was the Societas, or ordinary partnership, in which all members were equally bound and responsible for the debts and could bind the firm. So now the principles were known. Later on statutes of 1865, 1890 and 1907 came for a clear view of partnership relationship. The Law of Partnership Act 1865, ‘Bovill’s Act’ was passed to undo the assumption that the existence of some payments from the profits of a business would comprise the recipient a partner or liable as such for the debts of the business. Later it was known as Limited Partnership Act. The Partnership Act 1890 codified the previous law. It provided no remedy and mechanism for limited partnership and depicts no difference between professional or ‘civil’ partnerships and business or ‘commercial’ partnerships. The Limited Partnerships Act 1907 introduced into English law the possibility that a person might be a partner in a firm but liable only to the extent of the capital he had invested initially. (BLOOMSBURYPROFESSIONAL.COM) Today the most widely followed partnership act is â€Å"The Partnership Act 1932†, which consist of 8 chapters that lay principle and foundations of the procedure to be followed for a partnership and it have 1 schedule which is important as it keep on being updated. This act has to be followed in order to be called a legal partnership. DISSOLUTION AND RECONSTITUTION OF A PARTNERSHIP Dissolution of partnership means that there is discontinuance of the legal relationship between the partners of the firm. It is legal break up of partnership contract that was signed. There is a clear distinction between Dissolution and reconstitution of a partnership. Reconstitution of a partnership of a firm will take place in the events of retirement of a partner, death of a partner or insolvency of a partner. Thus firm has to be reconstituted with the remaining partners of the firm. Now they will deal with the business with a new partnership contract between them. Even in this case firm may continue to work provided the deed signed has such effect. Also when a new partner is admitted, a new partnership emerges so a firm is reconstituted. There will be a new contract between the new partners and the old relationship is no more valid. Each will have a different share of profits as per the new contract signed. Reconstitution involves only a change in the relationship of the partners of a business but in the case of dissolution of the firm there is a complete discontinuation in the relationship of the partners of a firm. Dissolution of a partnership can be dome under circumstances not just voluntarily. It can be dissolved under a mutual agreement when all partners agree to it and it is in accordance to the contract. It can be dissolved by giving a legal notice and under law. When there is a breach of terms and conditions by one partner than partnership can be dissolved. Also when the court gives out a notice it has to be dissolves. (MATHUR, 2010) Dissolution of partnership cannot just be said nor done as it have its own consequences. When it is discontinues than the partners are liable to wind up the business and the liability remains till they clear all dues of partnership. If any profit gained after dissolution than that has to be shared among the partners, one cannot get all. Premium has to be returned to each partner for his services dissolution also comes with different restrictions that are to be imposed. (GULSHAN, 2001) RECONSTITUTION OF A FIRM Firm can be reconstituted when number or status of partners has been changed. So we can say that firm changes its form when (i) we have to introduce new partner, (ii) one partner reaches the age of retirement, (iii) legitimate expulsion of a partner, (iv) one partner is unable to pay its debts, (v) death of a partner. These five factors are the main reason because of which reconstitution of a firm happens. Well constitution or reconstitution of a firm makes no difference, both words implies same meaning. The important element of a partnership act is agreement between all the partners of the firm. So whenever the changes are going to take place consent of all partners is mandatory. The following paragraphs will be explaining each clause in detail and its application with respect to Pakistani society. (Saeed, 2012_)_ INTRODUCING NEW PARTNER Under Section 31 of the partnership act of 1932 says that we need the willingness of all partners before new partner has to be introduced in the firm. We cannot introduce the new partner unless it has been stated in contract. For instance if a current partner sold his share in the partnership, the person who buys the share is not liable to become partner except if other partners shows their positive consideration. One more thing minor can never be a partner if it has been clearly stated in contract. New partner is not accountable for paying the debts of the firm prior to his entrance. (Saeed, 2012_)_ RETIREMENT OF A PARTNER Another reason for the reconstitution of a firm is when partner wants to get retirement. Partner can be retired when he/she gets the consent of all other partners. It is clearly stated Partnership gives the notice to the partners if they have to get retirement. The methodology through which partners can get retirement is precisely mentioned in an agreement. Another point which cannot be missed is that the partner who is going to be retired has to give notice to the public about his decision in order to obtain freedom from liability of the debts of the firm. _(_ Saeed, 2012_)_ EXPULSION OF A PARTNER In law expulsion has exclusive meaning which says that it is the coercive retirement of an individual from a partnership by the other members because some inappropriate event has occurred. Due to this it is undesirable for an individual to be the part of the firm. Partnership – section 25 of the partnership act provides: _no majority of the partner can expel any partner unless the power to do so has been conferred by the express agreement between the partners._ CAUSES OF EXPULSION OF A PARTNER Expulsions takes place due to some reasons which include misconduct, dishonesty, unethical act, insolvency. Misconduct usually involves individual committing material or persistent breaches of the partnership member’s agreement or willfully neglecting to abide by any of his/her responsibilities. When individual commits crime he is dishonest. A partner cannot be in partnership anymore as soon as he is adjudged an insolvent. _(SILKIN, 2012)_ DEATH OF A PARTNER Firm is reconstituted when there is a death of a partner. Due to the death of partner, partnership can be dissolved until and unless it has explicitly stated that partnership will continue after this event. If partnership has to be dissolved after the death of the partner then remaining partners has to wrap up their work. When partnership is dissolved it does not necessarily means that it has been terminated. Sometimes businesses needs time to finish up their work. This continues until the liquidation is completed . ( INSOLVENCY OF A PARTNER Insolvent means that when one person is failed to pay its debts. Reconstitution of a firm happens when partner becomes insolvent. A partner can become insolvent on two bases. First of all partnership business is going and when partnership is going too dissolved. Partners have to declare it officially or get it signed by many people when they want insolvency of a partnership. (BATASNATIN.COM) Under section 51 of partnership act, when partner is declared guilty of insolvency on the basis of petition of the partners or any one partner initiated, petition of more than three creditors in the partnership qualified as provided in section twenty of the act. _(PARTNERSHIP ACT, 1932)_ CONCLUSION To conclude we see, that we have covered detailed understanding of all our objectives. How a firm reconstitutes and how it is dissolved, how the various partners are subjected to fulfill each of their duties and are entitled to claim their rights. How the accounts are settled and affairs of the partnership are wound up. Structure of partnership business changes from time to time. These laws provide the ability to make any reconstitution among the business when any partner leaves or enters. Conflict is human nature, and in cases where conflicts interfere among the relations of businesses these laws are there to protect and safeguard our rights. Dissolution provides various advantages and safeguards the rights of each partner. It provides liability provisions that which helps the partners to avoid costly litigations, and because it’s a contract, it binds all the partners to conform to each other’s rights, and make sure no one is done wrong. Provides guidelines for distribution of assets so that everyone gets their equitable share and no rights are misguided. This leads to a peaceful termination of the business. Also it lays down general rules and guidelines about what roles the Partners are going to play at the end of the business, one might notify the customer while the other Might handle liquidation or other aspects of the business, so on and so forth. In case of a dissolution agreement among the partners, they can create their own terms and they do not have to rely upon the default state laws, this is a very big advantage of such a process which allows both partners to benefit from the particular situatio n REFERENCES Mathur. B, (2010), â€Å"_Business Law_†. pg 588-590 Gulshan, S. (2001). â€Å"_Business law_†. (4th ed., pp. 154-160). New Delhi. Taylor, M. (2011_). â€Å"Essentials elements of a partnership agreement†_ Link: Nicholson. (2011). [Web log message]. Link: Retrieved from (2007). â€Å"_Partnership law_†. Link: Saeed, K.A. (2012). â€Å"_Mercantile and Industrial Laws of Pakistan_†. Second Edition. Karachi: Oxford University Press. Silkin, L. (2012). â€Å"_Partnership and LLP’s: Expulsion_†Link: Lawyers.com_. â€Å"Termination of partnership†_ Link: _†Insolvency of Partnerships & corporations when partnership may be declared insolvent†_ Link:
Friday, September 13, 2019
Managing work life balance and wellness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Managing work life balance and wellness - Essay Example The recent economic crisis is thinning and with that, HR managers are scheduling interviews. Companies have started viewing their employees as an important and noteworthy fraction within the stakeholders’ list. Hence, now the scenario calls for improvement in working conditions; job stress, work-life balance and employee wellness are factors that are taken very seriously by HR managers. This change was primarily inspired by studies that show the correlation amongst mental fitness and organizational performance (Hancock & Szalma, 2008, pp.32-34). Research shows that (Cassidy et al., 2009, p.262) while a poor work-life balance has a long lasting negative effect on an employee’s productivity, it is much more harmful for his/her creativity. Therefore, it is more so essential for HR managers in creative firms to maintain equilibrium within an employee’s timetable. People Management Challenges faced by HR Professionals I. Change Management While ‘change managemen t’ is vastly a broad term, therefore the focus here would lie upon three major changes: 1. Economic Change: Change brought about by variations (mostly negative) within economic conditions drastically affects an employee’s work-life balance, this is because adverse economic conditions point towards job losses and this possible ‘loss-of-secure-income’ position drastically affects an employee’s performance as the employee loses sight of his goals and concentrates more towards keeping his job intact. This situation according to CIPD (2010) creates stress, which would result in behavioural changes such as lack of focus, failures of commitments, increased time on work (due to reduced work speed and lack of commitment). 2. Technological Change: While it is commonly believed that adapting newer technology would result in job-cuts, researches have proved otherwise (Hayter, 2000, p.267). But this too does not hold true for some industries, as while apparatus might not necessarily cut jobs, but they definitely bring about a change by drastically increasing the level of skill required to conduct an operation, this increase in mental pressure is responsible for stress which disrupts work-life balance. 3. Strategic or Operational changes: While operational changes are a must for every organization owing to changes in consumer behaviour and technological enhancements, such changes many have many effects on an employee’s performance, as operational behaviour sometimes become compulsive. The overall wellness and work-life balance is largely based upon the HR department’s ability to handle and promote change within an organization. In order to avoid complications, the HR team must prepare a theoretical training module based upon the proposed changes and initiate training procedures to prepare the staff for the upcoming change. II. Time Management Time management is a crucial challenge for HR professionals, as time is the basis of the work-life balance. While some might disagree that time management is concerned with HR, it is not true as under most professional work environments the revenues are high enough to sustain explicit staff members for each type of job, then it is the responsibility of the HR department to allot work to the best suited employee or department. A recent initiative by the HR department ofR depatym,ent DS Norden a Dutch
Thursday, September 12, 2019
The impact of social media on public relations practice Research Paper
The impact of social media on public relations practice - Research Paper Example Introduction There has been a significant change in the media landscape during the past couple of decades particularly due to the advent of social media which has singlehandedly revolutionized the concept of communication. The world of media and communications has taken giant strides towards development from its humble beginnings dominated largely by print media and radio broadcasts to the use of state-of-the art technological gadgets such as tablets, iPhones, digital recorders, and web enabled tools such as social networking services including blogs, webcasts, video blogs, YouTube and the likes (Breakenridge, 2008; Busy, 2004). Considering the vast outreach of technology and the unlimited access it offers, the gap between the public and the marketers has narrowed significantly. It would not be a far cry to claim that the generation of this era travels with technology in their pockets, thus enabling the public relations practitioners to smoothly and effectively deliver their messages to the targeted audiences, at a mere click of a button (Hazelton, Harrison-Rexrode, & Keenan, 2007). The revolutionary changes in the field of technology has also completely changed the manner in which the average consumers connect, access, interpret, and use the information made available to them. The change in the social media landscape has triggered off simultaneous changes in the practice of public relations as is evident from the growing amount of literature substantiating the claim. As these fields grow and evolve in response to the changes in the technology, the delivery of strategic information to the public is likely to change as well (Kelleher, 2009; Macnamara, 2010). 1.1. Definitions This section offers definition to key terms used in the paper, which includes – Public relations and Social media. Public Relations: The term ‘public relation’ is defined differently by different authors. In general terms it is used to describe the 'management functions' performed by a group of professionals with a pre-defined outcome in mind. The Chartered Institute of Public Relations (UK) has defined the term as "the planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an organization and its publics" (qtd. in Watson & Noble, 2007: 6) Griswold defines public relations as "the management function which evaluates public attitudes, identifies the policies and procedures of an individual or an organization with the public interest, and plans and executes a program of action to earn public understanding and acceptance" (qtd. in Heath & Vasquez, 2001: 192). The Public Relations Society of America (1999) states that "Public relations helps an organization and its publics adapt mutually to each other" (qtd. in Health & Vasquez, 2001: 192). Social Media: According to Jue, Marr, & Kassotakis (2009: 4) the term social media refers to "the many relatively inexpensive and widely accessible electronic tools that enab le anyone to publish and access information, collaborate on a common effort, or build relationships". 1.2. Key objectives of the study The fundamental objectives underlying this research study are listed below: To identify various social media tools used by public relations practitioners and assess the manner in which such tools are used to manipulate the perceptions of the target consumers To examine and understand the manner in and extent to which the development and introduction of social media tools
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 9
Management - Essay Example It was acknowledged that Herzberg related need satisfaction to job conditions: job content and job context; where the job content factor was specifically identified a motivators (Martires & Fule, 2010, p. 15). The aim of the current discourse is to determine lack of job satisfaction and motivation as a contemporary management issue through the use of current events that were published on the subject. Identification of a Contemporary Management Issue In an article entitled â€Å"10 factors creating job satisfaction: what motivates now?†written by Spicer (2010) and published online in the Bradford University School of Management, the author actually delved into a closer evaluation of factors which apparently have been perceived as contributory to motivation. The author sought the participation of an original number of 268 managers across UK and Europe. As disclosed, there were â€Å"10 longstanding factors that research identifies as significant in influencing people’s motivation†(Spicer, 2010, par. 2). The factors were clearly enumerated and presented as Table 1, below: Table 1. Ten Longstanding Factors that Significantly Influence Motivation Factor 2010 2008 Interesting work 1 1 Job security 2 6 Full appreciation of work done 3 4 Good wages 4 2 Promotion and growth in the organization 5 3 Personal or company loyalty to employees 6 7 Feelings of being in on things 7 8 Tactful discipline 8 9 Good working conditions 9 5 Sympathetic help with personal problems 10 10 Source: Spicer, 2010 From the study, it was revealed that the factors most regarded as contributory to job satisfaction in 2010 were: interesting work, job security, and appreciation for work well done (Spicer, 2010). The top factor in 2008 was similar: interesting work, followed by good wages, as well as promotions and growth in the organization (Spicer, 2010). As published in Employee Benefits, â€Å"motivating employees is vital if employers are to achieve maximum performance and productivity. There are a wide variety of methods available for motivating staff, at prices to suit all budgets. These range from recognizing employees' achievements by simply saying 'thank you' to more complex schemes which combine set targets with fixed rewards†(Employee Benefits, 2006, par. 1). This is consistent with Spicer’s findings that acknowledged appreciation for work as a significant motivating factor that contributes to job satisfaction. Concurrently, in another study that aimed to determine the level of motivation and job satisfaction among employees of KFC, UK, the author disclosed that â€Å"non financial factors have a significantly higher impact on the employee's motivation than the financial factors†¦(and that)  the study concluded that the employees working at KFC UK Ltd are adequately motivated, though a significant difference of level of motivation wa s noticed among gender, different age groups, working status, working position and length of employment comparison†(Hossain & Hossain, 2012, p. 21). The study written by Adeyemi and Ositoye (2010) supported the theoretical frameworks on motivation as originally published by Maslow (1954), Koontz, O’Donnel and Weintzrizh (1980) which asserted that â€Å"what really matters in boosting employee productivity or output is not the kind of motivation that is employed but the extent to which the employee is being truly motivated by any chosen method. .. (And) the ability of the employer to identify employee
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